Book Review – Pantheon: The Egyptians by Robin Herne
Book Review Pantheon The Egyptians by Robin Herne Publisher: Moon Books 200 Pages Publication Date: June 1, 2021 Pantheon: The Egyptians is part of a new series from established Pagan publisher Moon Books aimed at introducing readers to an entire Pantheon of deities rather than focusing on a single god, goddess, or spirit. Robin Herne’s volume explores the philosophy and theology of the Egyptians, alongside contextual geographical and historical information, ethics, mysticism, an exploration of magic and a “how to” approach of connecting with these ancient spirits and deities in our modern world. I’ve been fascinated by the Ancient Egyptians since I was a very small child, but…
Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times
Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for February 2022 (Photo by Wout Vanacker on Unsplash ) Bright Blessings! The holidays are behind us and it’s a new year. How time flies! For some that means you are still procrastinating about putting the Yule decorations away, doesn’t it? And the kids have absolutely begged you to leave them up, haven’t they? Have a mug of hot wassail and admire your work a bit longer why not? While you are at it, think about all the good things you accomplished in 2021. If you can’t think of anything? I can. What about the time you made somebody’s day because…
Oracle Deck Review – The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck & Guidebook Created and Illustrated by Kim Krans
Oracle Deck Review The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook Created and Illustrated by Kim Krans Publisher: HarperOne 78 Cards Deck. 224 Page Guidebook Publication Date: October 15, 2019 Kim Krans is already quite popular in the Pagan community as the Creator of the best selling Wild Unknown Tarot deck. If you’re not familiar, The Wild Unknown has taken the world by storm. I love the art, though I have not worked with it personally, it never called out to me. She also has an animal spirit deck, which seems to accompany the Tarot deck very well. Neither of them called out to me. They’re both very beautiful…
Healing Oil Recipe
Healing Oil Recipe for Humans & Pets When it comes to my remedies my witch side comes to life. I have quite a few wise women in my lineage and I like to channel them when I offer any healing assistance or create remedies. My healing oil gets special attention in this area. It cleans wounds, speeds up tissue growth, and helps with bites and stings. I make it in bulk once a year, this way I can spend the year collecting the ingredients as I travel and charging them properly. A lot of work and energy goes into my healing oil. This infusion can be used on its own…
Tarot Deck Review – Nature Spirit Tarot: A 78-Card Deck and Book for the Journey of the Soul Illustrated & Written by Jean Marie Herzel
Tarot Deck Review Nature Spirit Tarot A 78-Card Deck and Book for the Journey of the Soul Illustrated & Written by Jean Marie Herzel Publisher: Bear & Company 78 Card Deck & 192 Page Book Publication Date: February 16, 2021 The Nature Spirit Tarot: a 78-Card Deck & Book for the Journey of the Soul is created, illustrated and written by Jean Marie Herzel (copyright 2014 and 2021 by Jean Marie Herzel, originally titled Nature Spirit Tarot: Encounters With Nature and the Journey of the Soul), and published by Bear & Company, a division of Inner Traditions International, One Parker Street, Rochester, VT 05767. The Nature Spirit Tarot…
Puzzle Review – Illustrated Bestiary Monarch Butterfly Puzzle by Maia Toll & Kate O’Hara
Puzzle Review Illustrated Bestiary Monarch Butterfly Puzzle By Author Maia Toll By Illustrator Kate O’Hara Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC 750 Pieces Publication Date: October 13, 2020 This beautifully, enjoyable puzzle is based off of the book of the same name which was written by Maia Toll and reviewed this past December by fellow PaganPagesOrg writer Alexiel Raynes. Both are filled to the brim with wisdom and the beautiful art of one Kate O’Hara. I live in a small community of a couple families that travel together and help support one another. In a lifestyle like this we look for activities that will bring us together and…
Video Book Review – Animal Medicine: A Curanderismo Guide to Shapeshifting, Journeying, and Connecting with Animal Allies by Erika Buenaflor
Video Book Review Animal Medicine A Curanderismo Guide to Shapeshifting, Journeying, and Connecting with Animal Allies by Erika Buenaflor Publisher: Bear & Company 216 Pages Publication date: July 13, 2021 Bright Blessings! This time I am reviewing Animal Medicine- A Curanderismo Guide to Shapeshifting, Journeying and Connecting to Animal Allies. This is an outstanding tome dedicated to educating people about spirit animals, the Mesoamerican lore and beliefs about them, and how you can connect with your animal spirit guides through meditation, and communication with them. Published in 2021 by Bear and Company, this is 201 pages chock full of great history, lore, symbolism, and sacred wisdom. The book…
Creating a Solitary Rhythm An Excerpt from the Book ‘The Witch at the Forest’s Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Traditional Witchcraft’ by Christine Grace
Creating a Solitary Rhythm For the traditional witch the goal is real, functional witchery. This means that it is essential for us to do our craft on a day-by-day, season-by-season basis. For some this is easy and obvious, while for others it is hard. These challenges can be long term or last only a season. One challenge can be that many of us are solitary witches. At the Forest’s Edge, we say we are all solitary-in-community. This means that whether we have a local circle or not, we all cultivate solitary practice and work to maintain our ties to our tradition community. For a traditional witch with neither tradition…
Witch & Popcorn
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bright Blessings, film lovers! This month I am reviewing a cult television series that was famous in the 1990’s and early 2000’s and was one of the most popular supernatural horror TV series. It ran for seven seasons, and had a successful spin off show. It spawned what the writer called “a rabid, almost insane fan base,” and earned a spot in TV Guide’s Greatest TV Shows of All Time and Rolling Stone included it in their 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time as well. It’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Here is a clip so you can see what to expect from…
Book Review – The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Tarot: Your Handbook to Reading and Intuiting the Tarot by Cassie Uhl
Book Review The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Tarot Your Handbook to Reading and Intuiting the Tarot by Cassie Uhl Publisher: Rock Point 184 Pages Publication Date: October 18, 2021 The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Tarot: Your Handbook to Reading and Intuiting the Tarot by Cassie Uhl, founder of the Zenned Out series, published by Rock Point, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 142 West 36th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Copyright 2021 by Quarto Publishing Group, USA Inc., and text and illustrations copyright 2021 by Cassie Uhl. Practical Tarot Techniques is a 6 inch by 8 inch hard cover book with a matte finish…