Monthly Columns,  Reviews

Witch & Popcorn


Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Bright Blessings, film lovers!


This month I am reviewing a cult television series that was famous in the 1990’s and early 2000’s and was one of the most popular supernatural horror TV series. It ran for seven seasons, and had a successful spin off show. It spawned what the writer called “a rabid, almost insane fan base,” and earned a spot in TV Guide’s Greatest TV Shows of All Time and Rolling Stone included it in their 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time as well. It’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Here is a clip so you can see what to expect from this show if you have never watched it before:



It’s packed with action, scares, romance, laughs, and just good writing. This show is one you will become hooked on in no time, most especially if horror and supernatural shows float your boat. In regard to the magic in the show, while I could focus on all the hocus pocus, and supernatural topics it covers, what I will instead discuss is how this TV show created magic for some of the people who were involved in making it.


Alyson Hannigan aka Alyson Dennisof

Known as the dorky Willow who has a heart of gold and an even bigger brain, Hannigan’s character was so well loved, she secured a job in the spin off TV series, Angel, and that’s where she met Alexis Denisof, who she married in 2003 and has two daughters with. Having acted since 1986, she was well known from American Pie before landing the role in Buffy, and has since played in Rugrats, That 70’s Show, and is currently in a 2021 Disney production called Flora and Ulysses. This show didn’t necessarily give her professional boosts she couldn’t have gotten elsewhere, but she met her love, and they are still together, living a beautiful life!


Nicholas Bryndon

He’s been seen on the media outlets for arrests, and the episode he did on Dr. Phil, exposing his substance abuse brought awareness to the fact that no matter how talented you are, you are still a human being, and will have struggles. TV stars can seem larger than life, and Bryndon was not ashamed to speak out, and share with others what he goes through. When he got the part in Buffy, he was working as a waiter, barely able to afford his bills, and the show skyrocketed him to popularity, and resulted in writing positions with the Buffy franchise. Other acting jobs following were in shows like Criminal Minds and Kitchen Confidential. Bryndon continues to work on his recovery, live life with friends and family, and share his progress and struggles, helping other people to be inspired to reach out for help when they need it too.


Joss Whedon

Now known for creating uncomfortable work environments, he has nevertheless managed to have a stellar career, and calls himself a workaholic. Not only has he created wildly popular shows Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, but he even wrote Toy Story. Stars have said he has done things such as call pregnant women fat, demand sexually explicit scenes they were not comfortable with, threaten to make their career miserable if they contradicted him, and it has been said he thought being mean was funny. He supposedly enjoyed making people cry, and his ex-wife said he used his career as a way to find partners to cheat in her with. Hollywood actors have recently stepped up, refusing to tolerate toxic workplace environments, and successful people like Whedon have been called out. Had he not been so successful, his behaviors would not have become public knowledge, and while he continues to make amazing TV shows and films, and he might still behave this way, Whedon in his own way has helped actors take charge of their work environments and make on the job mistreatment unacceptable.


Charistma Carpenter

Known for her beauty, Carpenter has indeed done modeling, even posing for Playboy, but one thing not everybody knows about her is she is a powerful ally for actors rights, and she is a woman NOT to be trifled with! Earning money doing commercials while in college- SMART!- she got a part in an episode of Baywatch, and Buffy was her first major role. She’s still acting of course, and has been in plenty of shows and films, even landing a role in a Sylvester Stallone movie. When fellow actor Ray Fisher spoke pout about Joss Whedon’s toxic behavior, Carpenter spoke up as well. Fisher had to explain to Whedon some changes he wanted in a show would be disrespectful to people of color, and Whedon tried to disregard the suggestions. Actors like Carpenter won’t stand for this type of disrespect. Don’t think she’s just a pretty face, because she’s a brilliant woman who makes positive change happen. What could be more magical?


David Boreanaz

Who would expect Boreanaz to have had magic happen for him due to this show? He was so well loved, the spin off show Angel was all about his character from Buffy. He went on to star in the popular show Bones, has been in films, and has done voice work as well, but truthfully, Buffy was a major break for him. Until that job, he was taking bit roles in small film productions, and showing up to do extra work, and help build sets to get jobs. He’d gotten his degree in filmmaking, but there are SO many people working to become stars, Boreanaz started like the rest of the unknown actors- not making a lot of money, taking whatever work he could, and getting by sleeping on a family members sofa! No stranger to controversy, he was outed for cheating on his wife as well as accused of sexual harassment. Fortunately, he and his wife worked things out and are still together, the proud parents of two children.


Sarah Michelle Gellar aka Sarah Michelle Prinze

The star of Buffy was not a struggling actress before this show. As a matter of fact, she was discovered at the ripe old age of four! Landing parts is shows such as All My Children, she had already been in some shows and films and even had a leading part in a show called Swan’s Crossing. Stepping into the horror industry landed her roles in such films as I Know What You Did Last Summer, where she met her love, Freddie Prinze Jr. They were the “it” couple everybody followed in the early 2000’s. They married a couple years after meeting and are still together with two children!


While we get caught up in the enjoyment of shows and films, that’s all the magical make believe worlds they transport us to while we are watching them. The real people who make this magic happen are more than just the great work they do, and I, for one love to see what kinds of good things their projects bring into their lives. Like everybody else, stars have ups and downs, but unlike us, the public witnesses what would be private were they not famous.

Like any career field, jobs in the TV and film industry are life changing and take places they never could have dreamed they could have gone. That’s the magic of the movies and television we don’t always get to see when we are enjoying what we are watching! Amazing!

Until next time, happy viewing, and

Blessed Be!


About the Author:

Saoirse is a practicing witch, and initiated Wiccan of an Eclectic Tradition.

A recovered Catholic, she was raised to believe in heaven and hell, that there is only one god, and only one way to believe. As she approached her late 20’s, little things started to show her this was all wrong. She was most inspired by the saying “God is too big to fit into one religion” and after a heated exchange with the then associate pastor of the last Xtian church she attended, she finally realized she was in no way Xtian, and decided to move on to see where she could find her spiritual home.

Her homecoming to her Path was after many years of being called to The Old Ways and the Goddess, and happened in Phoenix, Arizona. She really did rise from her own ashes!

Upon returning to Ohio, she thought Chaos Magic was the answer, and soon discovered it was actually Wicca. She was blessed with a marvelous mentor, Lord Shadow, and started a Magical Discussion Group at local Metaphysical Shop Fly By Night. The group was later dubbed A Gathering of Paths. For a few years, this group met, discussed, did rituals, fellowship, and volunteering together, and even marched as a Pagan group with members of other groups at the local gay Pride Parade for eight years.

All the while, she continued studying with her mentor, and is still studying for Third Degree, making it to Second Degree thus far.

She is a gifted tarot reader, spellworker, teacher, and was even a resident Witch at a Westerville place dubbed The Parlor for a time.

Aside from her magical practice, she is a crocheter, beader, painter, and a good cook. She has been a clown and children’s entertainer, a Nursing Home Activities Professional, a Cavern Tour Guide, a Retail Cashier, and a reader in local shops. Her college degree is a BA in English Writing. She tried her hand at both singing and playing bagpipes, and…well…let’s just say her gifts lie elsewhere! She loves gardening, reading, antiques, time with friends and soul kin, and lots and lots of glorious color bedecking her small home!

On the encouragement of a loved one several years back, she searched for a publication to write for, and is right at home at PaganPagesOrg.

She is currently residing in Central Ohio with her husband, and furbabies.

Saoirse can be contacted at [email protected].