Book Review – The Little Book of Rootwork by Paris Ajana “The Hoodoo Goddess”
Book Review
The Little Book of Rootwork:
A Beginner’s Guide to Hoodoo
by Paris Ajana “The Hoodoo Goddess”
Publisher: Ulysses Press
256 pages
Publication date: April 12, 2022
Do You Hear The Call Of The Ancestors?
The Little Book of Rootwork might be the answer you’ve been looking for. This book says it will help you discover how to tap into your inner power to invigorate your mind, body, and soul. If you’ve ever wondered about Hoodoo, how to make Honey Jars, Mojo Bags, and more, then this is the book you’ve been waiting for!
For a long time I’ve been interested in Hoodoo, but never knew where to start. I got a few books through the years, but none have been as in-depth as this book. It’s very thorough in going through the amazing Craft that is Hoodoo, explaining things where needed and with plenty of hands on work for you to play with.
Part One is the introduction and Chapter 1; this is the induction into the Path of Rootwork. Full of history and personal welcome, this section explores the difference between voodoo (Vodou) and Hoodoo; how Hoodoo is a style of magick that was created with a mix of African, Native American, and Christian beliefs, and how Voodoo(Vodou) is a religion. It also covers common rootwork terminology.
Part Two is the biggest chunk of the book, covering a full 8 Chapters. This is where all the basic knowledge of Rootwork is explored: from Altars and Sacred Spaces to Floorwashes and Conjure Waters, this section of the book covers a lot of ground. After an extensive exploration of the types of Altars and the sacred spaces created with them, the book dives deep into the herbs and roots with extensive lists and charts.
Next are many formulas for floor washes and conjure waters, including a recipe for Florida Water. How cool is that?
After that the book has a Chapter dedicated to Spiritual Baths, and formula after formula for many different types of baths from cleansing and purifying to love and financial increase. Next is the incense chapter, which actually teaches you how to make your own incense and has recipes for 10 different magickal incenses you can make yourself. Then we have the chapter that teaches about Hoodoo Powders, either blown or sprinkled onto or toward something, or rubbed on people and objects to anoint them. After learning about 6 different powders, the book goes into Hoodoo Oils also know as Conjured Oils. This chapter is full of an amazing 22 oil formulas for our use, hopefully not abuse.
This next chapter excited me as a crystal witch myself, as it’s all about crystals and stones. It’s a good basic crystal chapter, but there wasn’t a lot of hands-on instruction and there were only 15 crystals listed. While there’s a good list of crystals and stones by astrological sign, and chakras, the author suggests cleaning your crystal in water. Please don’t, unless you know it’s a water friendly crystal. I’d hate for you to wash a crystal only to have it dissolve.
Part Three: Intermediate Rootworking covers the next 4 chapters; Amulets, Charms, Talismans; Bible and Prayers; Petitions; The Astrological Color Chart. Chapter 10 covers the differences between Amulets, Charms, and Talismans.
The next chapter goes into the use of Hoodoo and the Bible (no need for us to use, but this chapter is for those who wish to incorporate the Bible into their Hoodoo practice) and includes Psalms to use as incantations, as well as a list of African Spirits and the Religious Figures and Saints that syncretized with said orishas.
Then we get a lesson in the use of Petitions, which is hard to explain without writing a chapter here as well. But basically it’s written spell-craft, using repeating names and phrases written on top of each other a specific number of times. This chapter alone is worth the admission to the book; it also discusses types of paper and ink, color, and pen types when creating your Petition, as well as paper folding techniques.
The final chapter in the section covers The Astrological Color Chart, talking about the colors used in all forms of magick for specific Astrological Signs, as well as luckiest day of the week for spells and rituals. In one example, Virgo’s colors are Gold and Black and their Luckiest Day is Wednesday. Each sign gets a write up with their colors and luckiest day.
Part Four: Advanced Magick has three chapters: Candle Magick; Rituals and Spells; Divinations. The first chapter of this section dives deeply into candle magick and gives a great intro to colors and usage of candles for magick, types of candles, and even has a recipe for making your own votive candles. It also goes into Flame Magick and how you can use the flame and smoke of your candle for divination purposes. Next we get the chapter here to teach us about timing of spells, how to make Mojo Bags, Honey Jars, Spirit Dolls (aka Voodoo Dolls), and several Candle Rituals. And finally we have our last chapter all about divination. It’s just a basic introduction to the idea, but it does have some good tips and lessons on pendulums.
The book ends with a final letter from the author offering social media connections and a promo code for a discount off on of her classes. Then she gives a list of supplier resources for your herb and root needs. An Acknowledgments page leads us to the final page, an About The Author page.
Final Thoughts
I find this book a treasure of Hoodoo Magick, and look forward to exploring the Hoodoo Path thanks to this book. There did seem to be a bunch of cut and paste for the different formulas’ instructions, and that was a little distracting. Also, recommending putting crystals in water made me cringe a little bit; there are so many other ways of clearing crystals. I also have a personal issue with the Christian vibe here and there, but I understand it’s part of the history and I don’t need to include that part in my own Hoodoo Path. But despite is few flaws, this book is a true treasure trove of Hoodoo wisdom and would be a great place to start, if you’re feeling drawn to Hoodoo style Magick.
Go Do That Hoodoo That You Do So Well Witches!
Paris Ajana, the founder of Hoodoo Goddess LLC, is a descendant hoodoo candlemaker. Gifted with a deeper understanding, she knows firsthand how to become aligned with the process of manifestation. By utilizing spiritual and magical candles and other metaphysical tools, she works directly with individuals who are on their magical and spiritual journey. Advising based on individual needs, the Hoodoo Goddess guides the candle ritual selection which will assist the seeker’s growth and, most importantly, bring spiritual transformation into their daily lives.
Visit for ritual candles, candle magic workshops, consultations, energy healing sessions, and more! Connect on Instagram @HoodooGoddess.
The Little Book of Rootwork on Amazon
About Jonathan:
Jonathan has been reading Tarot for over 33+ years. He has had many teachers, and has experienced many Spiritual Truths. He even had the honor of teaching a Beginner’s Tarot Reading class!
He has swam with Manta Rays, Sea Turtles, and Whales in Hawaii; ran barefoot in the jungle with the Ticos of Costa Rica; danced the Naraya with the Shoshone; Prayed at Buddhist Temples in Thailand, China, and Japan; wandered the green hills of Ireland, studied Acupuncture in China; and has had many more adventures!
Jonathan’s love of the Tarot started when he was in Summer Camp (in New Jersey of all places) and was privileged to take a class with a Magus who taught the group not only the Tarot, but also crystals, Runes, pendulums, energy work, spell casting, Past Life Regressions, and many other “New Age” practices. That class was one of the catalysts for Jonathan’s own Spiritual Awakening to his many past lives, and his Higher Purpose.
Jonathan is an Acupuncturist who has created his own style of acupuncture aided past life regressions using gold needles. Jonathan is a Certified Health Coach. He has lost count of how many readings he’s given, and decks he’s collected, over the last 3 decades. Find more from Jonathan on YouTube.