WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Ostara Cards Merry meet. I don’t always manage to get Yule cards out on time, but it occurred to me: why send cards only for the winter holidays? Why not for spring? Here is a suggestion for an Ostara card that can be modified for any of the other sabbats. I bought packets of seeds that were magickal and, hopefully, easy to grow – organic and heirloom when possible. Then I wrote a verse for the inside of the card that can serve as a spell, which you are free to use: “As the wheel turns and we move into the light, May…
It’s All Rite
Spring is a time of hope, new beginnings, potential, and planting. Air, east, the new moon, the maiden archetype, inspiration, imagination, fresh flowers, nests, eggs, hawks, seeds, chimes, dragonflies, wonder, joy, playfulness, communication, spiders, purification, daffodils, childhood, and adventure are all associated with Ostara. For readers who want to keep it simple, below is a collection of easy yet meaningful activities to celebrate the Spring Equinox. Pick whatever interests you, and continue as long as you wish. Perhaps one of them will become a daily practice. * Put a bowl of candied eggs on a table or counter to bless new beginnings with sweetness and happiness. * Hang wind chimes…
Ostara Correspondences
Mon, Mar 20, 2023 (oh-star-ah) – Lesser Sabbat – Spring/Vernal Equinox Other Names: Ostre, Oestre, Eostre, Rites of Spring, Eostra’s Day, Lady Day, First Day of Spring, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, Alban Eiler, Bacchanalia, Mean Earraigh, Pasch, Caisg, Pess Symbolism: The beginning of spring, new life and rebirth, the God and Goddess in Their youth, balance, fertility Goddesses: all love, virgin, and fertility Goddesses; Anna Perenna (Roman), Aphrodite (Greek), Astarte (Canaanite, Persia, GrecoRoman), Athena (Greek), Cybele (Greco-Roman), Blodeuwedd, Eostre (Saxon Goddess of Fertility), Flidais (Irish), Gaia (Greek), Hera, Ishtar (Assyro-Babylonian), Isis (Egyptian), Libera (Roman), Minerva (Roman), The Muses (Greek), Persephone (Greek), Renpet (Egyptian), Venus (Roman), Ostara (the German Goddess…
Witch Hunt
There are witches all around us. You can find them anywhere… The Witch on Wheels has been documenting her findings. Meet Cheyenne Falls I met Cheyenne and her fiancé as they began building their skoolie at the homestead in Georgia I visit twice a year. We got to talking about our paths. One of the things I liked is that she, too, worked with death, and was not squeamish about bones and such. I also enjoyed the meals we shared, typically with her doing the cooking. Working in the lodge kitchen, the range was her altar, a wooden spoon her wand, pots and pans her cauldron, food her…
The Kitchen Witch
The Humble Boxty Many years ago, I went out with a guy named Tim. We were just kids; I was a little older than he was, but we were still kids, basically. I was twenty and he was eighteen. At that time, the drinking age was eighteen years old in New York State. We went to a lot of concerts and to clubs that featured live music. Tim was a major Deadhead and I loved anything I could dance to. But like so many young people, we drifted apart. I didn’t hear from Tim for many years – not until I reconnected with him on Facebook around 2007 or so.…
Book Review – 2023 Lunar & Seasonal Diary, Northern Hemisphere by Stacey DeMarco
Book Review 2023 Lunar & Seasonal Diary, Northern Hemisphere by Stacey DeMarco Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 216 Pages Published: July 7, 2022 Connect With Lunar and Seasonal Energy. From the amazing Stacey Demarco we get this gorgeous lunar and seasonal diary to keep track of the movement of the moon and seasons through the wheel of the year. This full color diary, spiral bound to allow the pages to lay flat, full of knowledge but still with plenty of space to fill in your personal notes. It includes lunar timings, explanations of the moon phases and their impact on humanity, seasonal workings to make the most of each season’s…
Book Review – The Magic of Trees: Discovering the Magic Within by Jessica Baumgartner
Book Review The Magic of Trees: Discovering the Magic Within by Jessica Baumgartner Publisher: Witch Way Magazine 312 Pages Publication: February 25, 2023 “I wrote this book during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout those early lockdowns, the forests were still there for me. Parks and trails remained to be explored. Birds still sang, and the animals continued their cycle of life and death without change. The trees in my backyard remained friends. No matter how closed off the world became, the sky was still blue, and the trees continued to paint it with emerald and gold leaves…” Although this quote is found in the Conclusion: Continue to Grow…
Witch & Popcorn
Somebody Feed Phil Bright Blessings Viewers, Or should I say foodies? I admit, there is one type of show or film I love just as much as I love horror, and that is food shows. This particular show I’m reviewing today was started in 2018, and was extended to a total of six seasons, which stopped being produced in 2022. It has been shot all over the world, and it earned two real TV awards, and two Emmy nominations. It is called Somebody Feed Phil, and here is a trailer you can watch: Before I begin bragging on the show and revealing its magic, let me tell…
Poetry by Angela C Wood
Witch’s Trance counting down from 5 to 1 relax your body and mind reaching down to number 4 seeing 3 so you see more for 2 it takes you to the deep finding love and finding peace I will bring you to this dance fully charged in the Witch’s Trance release your worries and your woes feeling lifted as your light grows charging up to find the truth getting rid of what’s no use enjoying peace and harmony in this place will show your power, strength and ability to nurture the seeds you sow a time for you, your needs are met goals and…
Interview with Elen Sentier
Earlier this month, our own Amara Willow caught up with Elen Senteir. Watch as they discuss intuition, Jung, witchcraft, and more! About Elen: Best-selling author, Elen Sentier has published 12 books, three of which are bestsellers and two are novels. She’s just finished her 3rd exciting and sexy, mystery and magic novel, it’s now out for beta reading and we hope it will be published in late 2023. She’s currently working on her fourth novel, full of juicy relationships and conflicts, set in a post-apocalyptic world. As she was born into a family who practiced the old witch-ways of Britain for millennia, she uses all that background in her novels…