
Book Review – African American Magick: A Modern Grimoire for the Natural Home by Stephanie Rose Bird

Book Review

African American Magick:
A Modern Grimoire
for the Natural Home 

by Stephanie Rose Bird

Publisher: Weiser Books

237 Pages

Release Date: June 5, 2023





This book is dedicated to a group of people in the Northern Territory an the outstation of Maparu in Australia and thanking them for six thousand years of ancient ways.

The book has been organized with the first few chapters acknowledging the magic and mystery of all the seasons. Then several chapters have been dedicated to each season – highlighting how and what to harvest to honour that season.

The information contained within the book was originally published in 2006. In her introduction Stephanie explains her revival of the book is because there are many earth remedies with antibacterial, antimicrobial, immunity-building, antidepressant, anti-anxiety, sleep promoting and relaxing which are important as we acclimatize to our post Covid world.

She encourages us to enter the text with an curious mind and open heart and that this information may be a welcome addition to our own grimoire. (I have made note of this and will indeed add these things to my grimoire)

By her own admission, Stephanie acknowledges this collection is somewhat eclectic and that she has pulled from Caribbean recipes, meditation practices of Buddhists, Hindu rights, the old ways of Europe and lessons of the Australian Aboriginal dreaming and Native American traditions.

Quoting a fellow green witch, Stephanie reminds us that our own grimoire should be used like a cook book – to be used as a tool, to be picked up and consulted when we require nourishment for the mind, body and spirit. She also includes a list of essential items and basic terminology as a starting point.

About the Author

Stephanie Rose Bird is the author of 5 published books including Sticks, Stones, Roots and Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo and Conjuring with Herbs, A Healing Grove: African Tree Remedies and Rituals for Body and Spirit, and The Big Book of Soul: The Ultimate Guide to the African American Spirit; legends and lore, music and mysticism, recipes and rituals. Her first novel, No Barren Life, is complete and seeking a home.

Her writing has been published in numerous magazines and anthologies including “Natural Home and Garden,” “Herb Quarterly,” “Sage Woman,” “Llewellyn Herbal Almanac,” “Llewellyn Magical Almanac,” “The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Folklore,” “The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore,” and “Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number.”



African American Magick on Amazon



About the Author:

Linda Bischoff

Over the past 35 years, Linda has been helping people curate elements of their physical space to influence mind, body and spirit. Her focus has always been on creating meaningful connection with our environment.

Within her practice of Feng Shui, she combines the principles of Interior Design and the concepts of Biophilia to ensure positive energy flow. When we enhance the vibrations around us we become more likely to achieve our dreams and goals.

Linda lives in Halton Hills, Ontario with her husband and their cat Molley. Find out more about her and her practice at