Monthly Columns,  Reviews

Witch & Popcorn

My Name is Mo’Nique


Bright Blessings, film and tv watchers!

I am reviewing something that had me in tears in ways I never expected. I have not been a fan of this individual simply because I watched this individual raise holy hell about things regularly, and I considered them to be a bucket of rage and a bitter individual who quite frankly seemed like a negative individual who I just would not want to be in the room with.

And that was my opinion of Mo’Nique and I was wrong.

However, I’m not stupid. I have watched her as a fashion icon, and am aware that the older she gets, the more beautiful she becomes, although she has always been a knockout. I have always admired the fact she speaks her mind, even if I don’t agree with everything she says, and she sure as hell works her ass off. She has never relied on a man to take care of her, and she has always, ALWAYS remained true to herself no matter what. So even though I have found her downright revolting in her fits at times, I have still always respected her.

So, tonight I was bored. I had all the cooking, housework, and some crocheting done. I had turned in my first paid article for the week, and I saw her 2023 special My Name is Mo’Nique was on Netflix. I figured, “What the hell? If I don’t like it, I will change it. “Let me tell you. I like it, I really really like it to the point of loving it. Now I’m a huge Mo’Nique fan. Before I tell you why this special blew me away, let me share a trailer for it:


Before I get into things, let me tell you that if profanity or talk about sex makes you clutch your pearls, stop reading, and step away because you are not going to like anything about this special and you are not going to like me either, and that is okay.




Suck Dick.

Bull Dyke.

These terms are used quite a lot by Mo’Nique and she is not sorry. That’s just how she talks, and some people can’t handle it. So, you have been warned. If this language upsets you, go watch something else.

If, however, profanity does not bother you, let me tell you about a lifetime of magic this Queen of Comedy has been practicing. She says she was raised by “Strong Black Women” and she has become the same. Her grandmother told her “You are my prize”, and the relationship they had was a very special one for Mo’Nique. However, she also had an uncle and aunt who the family shunned for being gay, and Mo’Nique paid close attention to them. She was also taught that whoever earned the money was the boss- and although she has always earned the money, and she “wore the cape” of being the boss, she has happily settled with a spouse who she respects and who understands her as a human being few others has.

I see the mother goddess in her. The power of an unstoppable woman who has been knocked around by life starting in childhood, shines as a beacon of hope to all women and girls who are struggling. If you are struggling with poverty, being called an underachiever, being accused of being a distraction, of being ignored for your race, Mo’Nique can show you how to defy the odds and keep moving forward as a powerful woman. The way she has always done it is to ignore haters and naysayers, and get up and speak her truth. People have listened, and responded. She shows up, she is one hundred percent authentic, and she has never, ever let anything stop her. That’s magic.

In the special, she relates she has never, ever apologized for who she is, and she has been accused of being “special needs” and crazy for this- but she had so much personal power and her magic was so strong, she never ever let anybody dull her shine or conform her to their expectations. How did a “special needs” kid who was sexually abused by a family member rise from being expected to amount to nothing to become an Oscar Award winner? Magic.

Her magic came from the strong women who raised her, who she talks about in this special. Her magic came from believing in herself, and not backing down to anybody. Her magic came from within her and no amount of pain, struggles, or fears took that from her. She also had personal magic powerful enough that she accepted herself even in times when other people did not. Then, she had the ability to find a husband- her third and final one, she says- that accepts her inside and out for all that she is.

She is a plus sized black woman who was not born to a privileged family, and she demonstrates every single day that no matter whether your situation or society in general is against you, that if you believe in yourself, you can rise above everything to become one of the most successful people in the world.

I keep talking about this because it is important. She relates how she was thrust into “special needs” classes, and so-called “special needs” people are not incapable- as she demonstrated her whole life. She spoke about the fact multiple family members abused drugs or alcohol, and some ended up in prison. She does not say she was ashamed of any of this- she flat out tells people this has all shaped her into the strong fighter who she is. Go ahead and try to take her down. Try to tell her she is not Amy Schumer, or Chris Rock, and she will say “My Name is Mo’Nique”.

This review is short because the special speaks for itself. I’m not black, but I can relate to some of what she went through. I was also a “special needs” kid who was not supposed to amount to anything. I was once told I would never be able to support myself. The expectation was that I would just go on welfare and probably drugs like my mom, and have no life for myself.

Guess what?

I went to college. I got my degree. I paid off my loans. I was discarded by my first husband for multiple reasons, one of which was he deemed me not financially advantageous enough for him. I was cheated on by a woman and then a man later on, and I watched people get married and have kids- and was not considered attractive because I am plus sized. But I, too have a happy life and on husband number two, I have a partner who accepts me as I am, I was abused as a child as well, and yes, we were poor. Society thinks we will automatically fail if we endure even some of these things, but society believes we are absolutely incapable of thriving if all these things happen to us.

So I get it.

The world throws people away every day, but some of us won’t stay in the rubbish bin.

I’m glad Mo’Nique has kept her eye on what is important- living life on her own terms, and not letting anything keep her down. m

From the start of the special until the last moment, a theme resonates, which I will not share, but it is one that has resonated with many of us. I will let you watch this to find out for yourself just what that is. I will say, however, that not a lot of people have the courage to acknowledge such a thing to themselves, let alone their spouse, but Mo’Nique even had the guts to come out to the public. A public that hates people of color, women, plus sized people, and also gays.

She’s out. She’s proud. She’s Mo’Nique, and a lot of us would not want her to be any other way.

Watch this with a box of tissues, because by the end of the show, Mo’Nique is weeping beautiful tears, and she will have you weeping right along with her. Right now, this special is on Netflix, but I get a feeling it is going to be everywhere. You need to see this. I mean that. Just be aware, she will inspire you to live your life on your own terms, not giving a damn about what anybody else says or does. I am so thankful to have been able to see this beautiful, intimate special she shared with us. It gives hope to those struggling, and sometimes, hope is the most magical thing of all.

Her name is Mo’Nique, and you need to know who she is, and all she has accomplished in just over a half century.

Go see this as soon as possible.


Happy Viewing and Blessed Be.



About the Author:

Saoirse is a practicing witch, and initiated Wiccan of an Eclectic Tradition.

A recovered Catholic, she was raised to believe in heaven and hell, that there is only one god, and only one way to believe. As she approached her late 20’s, little things started to show her this was all wrong. She was most inspired by the saying “God is too big to fit into one religion” and after a heated exchange with the then associate pastor of the last Xtian church she attended, she finally realized she was in no way Xtian, and decided to move on to see where she could find her spiritual home.

Her homecoming to her Path was after many years of being called to The Old Ways and the Goddess, and happened in Phoenix, Arizona. She really did rise from her own ashes!

Upon returning to Ohio, she thought Chaos Magic was the answer, and soon discovered it was actually Wicca. She was blessed with a marvelous mentor, Lord Shadow, and started a Magical Discussion Group at local Metaphysical Shop Fly By Night. The group was later dubbed A Gathering of Paths. For a few years, this group met, discussed, did rituals, fellowship, and volunteering together, and even marched as a Pagan group with members of other groups at the local gay Pride Parade for eight years.

All the while, she continued studying with her mentor, Lord Shadow, and she became a Third Degree High priestess in 2022. She belongs to the Black Dragon Clan.