
Book Review – Earth Spirit: Beyond Sustainability: Authentic Living at a Time of Climate Crisis by Nimue Brown

Book Review

Earth Spirit:
Beyond Sustainability:
Authentic Living at a Time of Climate Crisis

by Nimue Brown

Publisher: Moon Books

88 Pages

Release Date: April 28, 2023





In this book Nimue explores the concept of authentic living. Her views are that they way we have all been conditioned to live; high speed living and the debt culture are not sustainable. Authentic living can only be done when we learn to live within our means. Conscious living means that we must be present and be making conscious choices in our daily lives.

Her position is that how we interact with the material world is reflected in how we enter into our relationships. As well, if we are careless and exploitive in how we interact with Mother Earth we are likely to interact in the same way with the people in our lives.

We have been become accustomed to consumption and materialism as a solution for every problem we have. We can however, learn to approach life with a more philosophical lens to create an authentic presence. This is turn results in authentic relationships and puts us in charge of our feelings, choices and lives.

Her philosophy is that life in the slow lane is more sustainable. She applies this to all aspects of life and referees to it as the slow living movement. When we slow down we open up opportunities to appreciate things in a new way. Nimue makes reference to Slow Fashion; Slow Transport; Slow Food… she discusses these concepts as a part of the Slow Living Movement.

She proposes, and I am in agreement, that “If you aren’t about trying to prove something, you can care about the people who would otherwise be left behind. In the slow lane, more of us are able to live well.”

This book is a must read! If we’ve learned anything as a society over the last few years is what things are critical in our society; in our civilization. Nimue has listed all of the most important things here and how to we can achieve holistic sustainability.

About the author

Nimue Brown is a Moon Books author with a passion for supporting other authors. A year as a press officer, and marketing experience with previous houses and projects give her a basis for the ever evolving task of getting books in front of people. She looks after the JHP fiction blog, the Moon Books blog, and works on promoting Moon Books titles. She lives in Gloucestershire, UK.



Beyond Sustainability on Amazon



About the Author:

Linda Bischoff

Over the past 35 years, Linda has been helping people curate elements of their physical space to influence mind, body and spirit. Her focus has always been on creating meaningful connection with our environment.

Within her practice of Feng Shui, she combines the principles of Interior Design and the concepts of Biophilia to ensure positive energy flow. When we enhance the vibrations around us we become more likely to achieve our dreams and goals.

Linda lives in Halton Hills, Ontario with her husband and their cat Molley. Find out more about her and her practice at