Monthly Columns

Weyland’s Whey

For Your Deliberation

If you were on trial for being a witch, would there be enough evidence to convict you?


Goodbye, My Friend

Our feline companion and familiar, Jinx, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning.  Old, gaunt and confused, we knew it would be selfish to keep him with us any longer.  He was a champion.  And he will be missed.


Friendship Is Magic, Too

by Weyland Smith

It had been a while since I’d talked to my compadre Mihos.  We’d been in the old coven together and had managed to stay in sporadic contact over the years.  It would be fun to talk witchery with him again.  I texted him to see if he was available.  He replied in the affirmative, and in just a few moments we were on the phone debating the pros and cons of our respective neighborhood delis.  (Mihos opined that sandwich breads were their greatest lures.  I held out for the soft drinks.)  After a bit, we both agreed it had been TOO long since we’d last got together.  There was only one thing to do.


Road trip.


Let’s go to the Comic Con,” said I.


The New Jersey Comic Fest in Morristown?”  Mihos said.  “Sure!”  We made a plan of action, and agreed to talk again the following week.


After I hung up, I realized there had been no discussion of witchery at all.  I was ready to pout before I realized I wasn’t looking at this in the right perspective.  Friendship is a form of magic in and of itself.  Actually, a major form.  I chided myself for not realizing it all along—I had found my witchery after all.


Hey presto.


A Sort of Limerick

by Weyland Smith (Sparkle helped).


There once was a man witch named Randall

Who sought out his own Bell, Book and Candle.

He did many a spell, and chortled,

I’m doing well!  I’ve more now than I

Can possibly handle!”


*Photos by: 1. Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash, 3. Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash



About the Author:

Weyland Smith is an eclectic solitaire wytch.  He lives in New Jersey with his girlfriend Sparkle, their two feline familiars and a dog named Delinquent.  Weyland’s interests include writing, crystals and web weaving.  Wey is also a firm believer in reincarnation—in a previous life he was a village idiot.