Weyland’s Whey, Beltane 2024
Weyland’s Whey
Beltane for Old People
The Beltane Sabbat is, among other things, a celebration of union betwixt and between masculine and feminine energies. This includes already established families (love and commitment) as well as the making of new ones (hubba hubba).
Happy Anniversary, Sparkle
It will never be long enough. But eight years is a good start.
Feliz Cumpleanos, Delinquent
Yeah, we celebrate our little dog’s birthday. Wanna make something of it?
Music Review
Keiko Matsui has made several absolutely incredible songs. Love and Nothing Less, from her Euphoria album, is my current favorite. Vocals by Lalah Hathaway and harmonica from Gregoire Maret. Sparkle and I needed a song we considered “ours”. The instant I heard this one I knew we had found it.
Everything is Magic!
Health, family, friends, a roof over your head–everything!
Oh yes, Beltane is our anniversary…and aren’t you the sharp-eyed sweetie for noticing!