The Modern Merlin’s Corner: Set: The Misunderstood God of Ancient Egypt
Why Set Matters in our Time
Set, Sutekh, Seth; for Khemetic practitioners and those with an interest in Ancient Egypt, this name conjures up the fratricide of Osiris by his brother, whose name graces this very article. For those leaning on the Left Hand Path, he is the Pagan Adversarial God, who provokes change through harsh means. For me, personally, I view Set as much more than these limited definitions. Set is essential change, essential chaos. The Ancient Egyptians both feared and revered this deity of the dry, arid, desert, and for good reason. My personal experience with this Dark Lord is that, yes, he can turn things upside down, but usually, for our own best interest. Sometimes, tumult is needed. Order cannot exist without its twin, Chaos. Light, without Dark, and so on. Set, throughout my years of working with this enigmatic God, has presented himself as a Dark counterpart to Osiris. He guards the Barque of Ra as it makes its’ nightly journey through the Duat, the Egyptian Underworld. He also rules over oases, those places in the inhospitable desert, that are a paradise for those who are lost in said desert. Set also opens the roads and ways, either denying or allowing our desires to become reality. I don’t believe we should fear deities like Set, but instead, embrace them. They speak to a part of ourselves that most would rather not acknowledge. I’ve covered some of my thesis on Shadow work and personal alchemy in my previous article, “Transformational Magick with Astrology and Alchemy”, which is linked here for those interested in reading that. I don’t believe in definitions of my practice, seeing them as too limiting; however, the terms “Shadow Worker” and “Dark Pagan” have been applied to me by others, and at times, myself, to make my deeper spiritual practices more understandable. To clarify, I don’t stay in the shadows, because light is needed, otherwise you risk things like depression, spiritual psychosis and the like. Shadows and Darkness come in varying shades, all refracting different types of light.
Set matters in our time because as I write this, Pluto is preparing to go Retrograde on May 2nd. I don’t typically like linking Egyptian deities to Greco-Roman ideas, mixing them with planetary influences; to me, the Egyptian pantheon is much more complex and cannot be limited to these interpretations. However, to make a useful comparison, let’s see Set as the dark side of the Greek Ares; unlimited passion, power and strength, which, when used correctly, leads to powerful change for the better. However, used improperly, it can lead to devastation. This is the energy of Set at his core. Mars and Pluto, Astrologically, share some energies in common; Scorpio. a Zodiac sign most commonly associated with Set, as well as his brother, Osiris, was once ruled by Mars, and then Pluto once we discovered it. These energies can be said to be a higher (Pluto) and lower (Mars) vibration of the Scorpionic/Phoenix energy we’re experiencing right now. Despite no major Scorpio placements currently in the heavens, the planetary placements bring about this Phoenix energy. Set and Osiris embody the transition from the Scorpion (Set), to the Eagle (Horus), to the Phoenix (Osiris). Set matters, in Ancient times, as he does now, because of the recurring theme of suppressing the darkness, the hidden oasis in the desert of our heart. He matters now. He has always mattered. He is here now, and he always has been; and he wants to help us.
Finding the Oasis in the Desert of the Heart
I’ve found in my exploration and work with the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses that metaphor is a language they know very well. Metaphor forms the basis of our reality; our hearts don’t physically break when something sad happens, yet we say it has. So many more examples of this can be found in our modern language, and I would encourage you to examine these metaphors and their deeper meaning, if you so choose. In Ancient Egypt, the Heart was the organ, both physically and symbolically, that held the core of a person’s being. The heart was weighed against the Feather of Ma’at as a final judgement of the person’s life, allowing or denying entrance into the afterlife. The heart holds the essence of our being. And the heart, through trauma and experience, gains its own desert. This desert at first glance is bland, unappealing, dangerous and arid. There is, however, an oasis in this desert within our hearts. Set rules both of these, and he can help you find the oasis in the desert of your heart.
The White Flame and the Black Flame
Throughout my work with the Egyptian pantheon, I’ve found two flames that burn bright within us: the White Flame of Osiris, and the Black Flame of Set. Each has its own significance and metaphorical meaning. The Black flame is raw, untapped power, while the white is what we generally present to the world. The Black Flame transmutes pain into power, and this is, once again, Set’s handiwork should you choose to undertake it. In between the two flames, is the Oasis I was speaking of previously. Beltane approaches, and with its theme of fire, this is a perfect opportunity for a small ritual to find both flames, and the oasis of the heart. Think of this as a hidden inner temple, where innate wisdom and power can be drawn forth on the toughest of days and times. Change that leads to higher paths can come from this as well. Growth on all levels is only limited by our willingness to face our fear, anger and resentment, and transmute it into wisdom, power and compassion. Set isn’t evil; he’s misunderstood. I won’t try to deny the more brutal aspects of his mythology, but I will say that if you examine the history and myth of Ancient Egypt, it does serve a purpose, and Set eventually ends up becoming “Ra’s strongest and bravest” of warriors on the Solar Barque, protecting the Sun God from Apep every night. Now, let’s get on to a ritual, shall we?
The Flames of Light and Dark, and the Oasis in-between (A Ritual Meditation)
As I mentioned previously, Beltane approaches, and with its theme of fire, transmutation by fire is a perfect practice to undergo. Set also some light associations with fire as well, making this a particularly potent time to practice this with him. This is part ritual, part mediation and visionary experience.
You will need:
- A Quiet place where will you be undisturbed for the duration of this ritual; there is no time limit, so allow as much time for yourself as you think you need
- Three candles: one white, one black, and one red
- Incense (myrrh is preferred as the Ancient Egyptians most commonly used myrrh in rituals)
- A toothpick or other item to carve symbols onto the candles
The Ritual
- Turn off your phone, TV, and any other distractions. You may play music or mediation sounds if it helps you. Cast a circle clockwise as you normally do for ritual, but in the center, trace the Ankh symbol with your Wand or Dagger, calling on the Khemetic (Ancient Egyptian) deities to help you, guide you and protect you.
- Carve the Ankh symbol on all three candles. Place the white candle on the right hand side, the black on the left, and the red in the center. The White candle symbolizes the White Flame of Osiris, the Black candle symbolizes the Black Flame of Set, and the Red, the Desert and Oasis of the Heart. Light the candles and incense. It may help if you have images of Set, Osiris, and Anubis to help you unlock their energies and call them in.
- Gaze at the candles, and see Osiris seated before the White Flame, Set before the Black Flame, and Anubis guarding the flame for the desert and oasis of the heart, keeping it safe.
- Say this invocation of these three deities, calling them into your ritual space: “Set, mighty lord of the Black Flame, he who rules the arid desert! Bringer of storms and chaos, Red One, show me the darkness within, the chaos and storms within my heart, and the hidden oasis therein. Xeper! Xeper! Xeper-a-Xeperu! Osiris! Lord of the Duat, who was resurrected and thrown asunder once more, made whole once more again. Father of Horus and Anubis! Hear me! Show me the wisdom within the light, and the fertility of my heart’s desires! Anubis, guardian of the tomb and the desert of the heart, hear me! Help me to unlock the door to my inner desert, so that I may explore it and find the oasis within. Set, Osiris, Anubis, come to me!”
- Close your eyes, seeing the two flames, the desert between, and the three Gods you have called upon. Ask Osiris to guide you with love, light and regeneration. Ask Set to protect you through adversity, and to be your guide in the desert, finding your oasis. Ask Anubis to unlock the ways for you, and to guide you as well, protecting you at all times. Converse with them, as they may have wisdom or things to tell you before undergoing this journey. Allow them to speak, and ask any questions you have for them at this time. Once you’re ready, allow Anubis to walk beside you. Here starts the meditation.
The Meditation
You arrive at the gate of your heart’s desert, Osiris to your right, Set to your left, and Anubis before you. Anubis unlocks the gate, and walks beside you as you cautiously make your way past the gate. You’re in the desert now, hot, arid, dry and uninhabitable. You see hawks flying overhead, looking for pray, screeching to one another that your presence has been noted. You continue walking in the desert alongside Anubis, talking with him. Let the conversation flow naturally, allowing both him and yourself to have a dialogue. He may be able to shed light on recurring problems in your life, or even past life reasons for these issues. As you continue walking, you spot amidst the waves of heat coming off of the red sand, what appears to be an oasis. Anubis warns that this could be a trick, a mirage, put in place by Set himself, as a test. You both decide the only way to know, is to follow your intuition, your heart, and walk towards it. Arriving towards the perceived oasis, you see many different animals along the way. A venomous Cobra hisses, but does not approach, staying coiled in the sand. You begin to see an Ibis at a perceived body of water, and you can hear crocodiles in the water too. Anubis announces this to be the presence of Thoth, and Sobek, who confirm that the oasis is not a mirage. You arrive at the shore of the oasis, and see palm trees lining the water, with various flora and fauna of the desert inhabiting the area surrounding it. Reeds grow on the side of the water, and Anubis suggests resting by them for a moment, to hydrate with the life fulfilling water and using the tall reeds as shelter from the hot sun. You both sit and rest, and continue your conversation. While speaking, Anubis’ ears shift, pointing up, in response to roaring thunder approaching.
The sky darkens, and rain begins pouring down, lightning and thunder crashing all around you. This is Set’s power. It destroys a few palm trees, and makes the water level rise, flooding the surrounding area. The Reeds that you and Anubis have sought rest in, are now part of the body of water within the oasis. You and Anubis decide to ride out the storm, and just as that decision is made, Set appears after the flash of a lightning bolt. The Storm ceases, and Set announces that the destruction brought change. With more water in the oasis, life can thrive even more. The trees knocked down during the storm will provide nesting areas for other life, and the rains have given the area black, fertile soil on which crops can grow. Chaos brought life and order out of itself. Set extends his left hand to your torso; A wind within begins blowing, and dry sands begin withering away the harshness within your heart, smoothening it and making it beautiful once more. You begin feeling new life emerging from your soul. You once again see the Twin Flames of the soul, and Osiris emerges from the water, with the crocodile (Sobek) following him. Set presents to you via a torch, the Black Flame. He permits you to put up to 9 events, habits, traumas, memories, or anything else that needs transmutation, in it. You do so, and the flame grows bigger, and brighter each time, eventually emitting a deep violet hue with a blackish white center of the flame. You don’t know it yet, but you’ve just started a transmutative and transformative journey that only began here and now. To test the success that you can’t yet see, your heart is weighed by Anubis, against the feather of Ma’at. It is equal to the feather, symbolizing the purification and transformation that has just taken place. The Twin Flames begin forming into one, half white, half black. This is the integrated self, a process that Set ensures you can be done again when needed. You feel lighter, at peace, unburdened by the memories of the past that caused harm. Those words and ideas about you suddenly mean nothing. Set has shown you who you really are. You may stay here and rest, enjoying the oasis within your own heart, speaking with the deities present.
Once you’ve finished, Anubis guides you back to the gates, where the pillars are now burning like the candles you lit at the beginning of the ritual. The gates are closed, but not locked. You can return here any time you need rejuvenation, healing, integration or transformation. You thank Anubis, Osiris and Set, and begin coming back to your earthly body. Wiggle your toes, hands, and move your head lightly, allowing your consciousness to return to this realm. Eat some food and drink some water to ground. Write your experiences in your journal or notebook, and any messages any of the deities had for you. And rest assured that, even though it is hot, arid, and inhospitable, the oasis within the desert of your heart, does exist, and provides what uou need, when you need it.
If Set has guided you to, you may wish to write the 9 or less things you put into the Black Flame in the oasis, on paper, and burn them with the Black Flame candle, to further cement this in our realm as well. Allow the candles to burn out on their own, and close your ritual circle, thanking the deities that came, for their help, guidance and wisdom.
Closing thoughts
I don’t expect everyone to agree with my take on this highly misunderstood God of Ancient Egypt. This is, at the end of the day, based on personal experience and gnosis. However, I do believe that others see him in this same light, especially when examining the myths surrounding Set in depth, ditching any Christian views of morality in favor of the metaphoric symbolism present in those myths. Set can and will help you find the oasis within your own personal desert. He can help you find the root of chaos in your life, allowing you to address the issue(s) and return to order once more. Set and Ma’at are not enemies, merely opposing forces that drive all of existence. Set and Osiris fulfill a balanced counterpart relationship. Set guards Ra each night, ensuring the life sustaining sun rises once more. He is more than a Devil. He is more than a trickster and storm God. So much more. I hope in your explorations of the Red God, you find hidden wisdom as I have.
Brightest Beltane Blessings,
The Modern Merlin
Xeper! Xeper! Xeper-a-Xeperu! Hail Set!
*I’ve found these resources particularly invaluable in my research, exploration and work with the Egyptian Pantheon, and would be remiss to not include them for reference:
Invoking the Egyptian Gods by Judith Page and Ken Biles
Pathworking with the Egyptian Gods by Judith Page and Jan A. Malique
Ancient Egyptian Magic by Eleanor Harris
Pantheon: The Egyptians by Robin Herne
Awakening Osiris by Normandi Ellis
Ancient Egyptian Magic for Modern Witches by Ellen Cannon Reed
About the Author:
Hello there! I’m the Modern Merlin, and I’ve been a Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician, Shaman and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and working with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as Yoruba & Voodoo deities. I study and practice Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination. I give readings and spiritual services on my Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!