Book Review-The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart by Alison Chester-Lamber, MA
The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart by Alison Chester-Lamber, MA, published by Findhorn Press, an imprint of Inner Traditions Publishing, is a book spanning 175 pages total, of which I received a paperback copy. Chester-Lambert attempts to instruct those who are new to Astrology to read birth charts using what she has dubbed “Psychological Astrology”, an interesting approach for sure. Chester-Lambert discusses the basics of Western Astrology, including the elements, polarities, modalities, as well as giving each sign its’ own multiple-page section to discuss characteristics of each sign. Chester-Lambert then covers the houses of the Zodiac wheel, their elements, and areas of life they cover, then moving on to cover the angles of a birth chart (Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC). At the end of the book, you’re given instructions on reading a birth chart knowing this system of “Psychological Astrology”, even being given specific entries to make to generate a birth chart for this system of Astrology on astro.com.
Personal Thoughts on The Easy Way to Learn Astrology
I’ve been dreading the day I would have to write a negative review of someone’s work, which I believe every author puts their heart and soul into (especially in the realm of spiritual writings). Alas, that day has come. I hope that my criticisms of the book are seen as just that: opposing views, and I leave each reader of this review to decide for themselves their own thoughts and opinions. I had high hopes for this book, but it did not deliver. I find Chester-Lambert’s approach to Astrology to be lacking, specifically because I strongly believe that planets and placements other than your angles, houses and Sun and Moon play a significant part in a person’s life, personality and experiences. To deny these is, to me, foolish, and takes a person’s experiences, for good or bad, and minimizes them. Ms. Chester- Lambert understands the signs, houses and angles, for sure. But to disregard other planetary placements is again, foolish from my point of view. It lacks depth, and doesn’t show an individual for who they truly are. Chester-Lambert even asserts on page 127 that “you do not need planets to practice Astrology” . I sincerely disagree; I also disagree with other statements made throughout the book, such as the assertion on page 22, that divinity resides in the fire element only. Again, hogwash. Divinity is within all the elements, signs and houses, because it is within us. Maybe my personal beliefs cloud me from seeing her system as complete, but having studied and practiced both traditional and modern Western Astrology, as well as adventures into Sidereal systems of Astrology, I believe many others would agree with me in the Astrological community. Chester-Lambert also misses pertinent information regarding aspects, because she does not use planetary placements in her system; aspects can, and often do, have huge impacts on a person’s chart, their life, personality, etc.
The Easy Way to Learn Astrology misses the mark, by stating you’ll be able to read a birth chart by the end of it; maybe in Ms. Chester-Lambert’s system, but not in the traditional birth chart sense. It’s a useful resource at the very least for starting out, and getting to know the basics. Beyond that, going into the in-depth material of a birth chart, such as aspects, planets, etc., it is incomplete, and the title a tad misleading. On a scale of 1-5, I give The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart a 1.5; as I said previously, it can be a useful resource for one starting out with Astrology, and a decent resource for the more seasoned Astrologer, lending new ideas and ways of looking at Astrology. But it does not teach you how to read a full birth chart, at least in the traditional sense with all the planets being read, as well as aspects.
Alison Chester-Lambert, MA is a certified Astrologer and life coach, having studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies and the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London, and has also earned a Master’s Degree in cultural astronomy and astrology. She has founded the Midlands School of Astrology as well. She is the author of Astrology Reading Cards. Alison lives in Leicestershire, United Kingdom.
About the Author:
Hello there! I’m the Modern Merlin, and I’ve been a Polytheist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads and other nature and land spirits. I study and practice Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination. I give readings and spiritual services on my Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!