Deck Review-The Jolanda Witch Tarot: The Healing Art of Magic by Rosie Björkman & Hans Arnold
Cover Photo Credits: Stock photo of The Jolanda Witch Tarot from publisher The Jolanda Witch Tarot: The Healing Art of Magic by Rosie Björkman & Hans Arnold is a traditional 78 card Tarot Deck, in a sturdy box with a magnetic enclosure, and a 400 page guidebook published by Findhorn Press, an imprint of Inner Traditions Publishing. This kit was originally printed in Sweden in 1997, and has now come to the US via Inner Traditions and Findhorn Press. This Tarot Kit is the real deal, packed with beautiful illustrations, meaningful symbols and artwork for each card, in-depth explanations for each card, including correspondences with Gods and Goddesses, Zodiac Signs and Planets, as…
Book Review-The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart by Alison Chester-Lamber, MA
The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart by Alison Chester-Lamber, MA, published by Findhorn Press, an imprint of Inner Traditions Publishing, is a book spanning 175 pages total, of which I received a paperback copy. Chester-Lambert attempts to instruct those who are new to Astrology to read birth charts using what she has dubbed “Psychological Astrology”, an interesting approach for sure. Chester-Lambert discusses the basics of Western Astrology, including the elements, polarities, modalities, as well as giving each sign its’ own multiple-page section to discuss characteristics of each sign. Chester-Lambert then covers the houses of the Zodiac wheel, their elements, and areas of life they…
Book Review – Shamanic Reiki Drumming: Intuitive Healing with Sound and Vibration by Faye Johnstone
Book Review Shamanic Reiki Drumming: Intuitive Healing with Sound and Vibration By Faye Johnstone Publisher: Findhorn Press 208 Pages Release Date: August 15, 2023 The sound of the drum beat softly as I read Faye Johnstone’s Shamanic Reiki Drumming; Intuitive Healing with Sound and Vibration. It’s the first book I’ve read with my drum by my side, periodically drumming and reading as I ventured along the veil of words and worlds. I loved every minute of it. Faye provides extensive materials for beginners as well as the validation and support needed for practitioners in the wide field of healing arts. This book will obviously draw readers who…
Book Review – Shamanic Dreaming: Connecting with Your Inner Visionary by Carol Day
Book Review Shamanic Dreaming: Connecting with Your Inner Visionary by Carol Day Publisher: Findhorn Press 192 Pages Release Date: March 16, 2023 In “Shamanic Dreaming: Connecting with Your Inner Visionary,” Carol Day teaches a formula she created to help others “enter a space where connection, embodies practice and open-mindedness can all be achieved.” Called the “Presence and the Three Pillars,” Day illustrates this visionary practice with the concepts of trust, knowing, and nature forming a triangle within a circle. “Presence is the central pole of the entire visionary practice. It is what runs through everything. It is the act of being present and of not running…