Book Review-The Silver Branch and the Otherworld: Forest Magic with Plant and Fungi Allies by Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue
Book Review The Silver Branch and the Otherworld: Forest Magic with Plant and Fungi Allies By Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue Publisher: Bear & Company 265 page paperback Release Date: July 16th, 2024 The Silver Branch and the Otherworld: Forest Magic with Plant and Fungi Allies is a book filled with the wisdom of O’Donoghue’s Irish Celtic ancestry, weaving the use of entheogens like Mushrooms and Cannabis into a cohesive, animistic practice infused with witchcraft. The Silver Branch and the Otherworld starts off by covering basic theory and philosophy of O’Donoghue’s practices, even giving Wheel of the Year Rituals for the 4 Sabbats of Beltaine, Lughnassád, Samhain and Imbolc. O’Donoghue then moves the reader into…