• Reviews

    Book Review – Walking with the Seasons: The wonder of being in step with nature by Alice Peck

    Book Review Walking with the Seasons: The wonder of being in step with nature by Alice Peck Publisher: CICO Books 128 Pages Release Date: February 13, 2024         Walking with the Seasons explores the habit of a ritualized daily walk as a way to stay in touch and build your relationship with nature throughout the year. The book is divided into four chapters corresponding to the four seasons, and each chapter deals with several different topics appropriate to that season, dedicating a couple of pages to each one. It’s a very well-designed book, with tons of full-color photos and graphics to illustrate the beauty of each season.…

  • Monthly Columns

    The Modern Merlin’s Corner-September 2024: As the leaves fall…

    Photo Credits: Original Design, created on Canva by The Modern Merlin  I’ve decided to do something different for my monthly column entry this month, inspired by watching the changing of the seasons outside my window and all around me. I’m lucky enough to live in a fairly tree-covered area, even in a somewhat more urban environment. Come with me on this journey, and be enchanted as we follow the seasons. Happy October Eve! As The Leaves Change, So Do We “The leaves are falling all around. Time I was on my way” -Ramble On, Led Zeppelin One of my favorite songs by Led Zeppelin, quoted above, is a liminal song in…

  • Monthly Columns

    Weyland’s Whey, September 2024 Column: the Difference Between Halloween and Samhain, Part One

    For Your Deliberation I’m no scholar, and I tend to see things in simple ways.  To me, Samhain is religious while Halloween is secular.  The latter was derived from the former, and both observe and even celebrate death in their own ways.  Sure, there’s LOTS more to it than that, but in the interests of brevity I’ll go with Einstein’s statement on comprehension and simple explanations.  (With, in my case of course, an emphasis on “simple.”) MAGAZINE Reviews Sparkle and I are both ardent readers, and we love magazines!  Here are three I highly recommend, all Halloween themed with recipes, crafts, eats and treats and other seasonal delights. Woman’s Day. …

  • Reviews

    Book Review-An Introduction to Magic: A Guide to Crystals, Fairies, Palmistry, Tarot and the Zodiac by Nikki Van De Car

    Photo Credits: Stock Photo of An Introduction to Magic, courtesy of publisher An Introduction to Magic: A Guide to Crystals, Fairies, Palmistry, Tarot and the Zodiac by Nikki Van De Car is a 170 page book published by Running Press Publishing, an imprint of Hachette Book Group, of which I received an e-book copy. Beautifully illustrated, and packed with accurate, useful information for the beginner to magic, witchcraft and the like, this book covers the basics of what most Pagans and similar spiritual paths use and work with. The material is covered with easy to understand terms, and no jargon (especially the Astrological section). The crystal section covers the chakras, colors, etc.,…

  • Reviews

    Book Review-A Shamanic Herbal: Plant Teachers and Animal Medicines by Matthew Wood

    Photo Credits: Stock photo of A Shamanic Herbal, courtesy of publisher A Shamanic Herbal: Plant Teachers and Animal Medicines by Matthew Wood is a 408 page paperback book published by Healing Arts Press, a division of Inner Traditions Publishing. A Shamanic Herbal lays the groundwork for the herbal and animal medicines within from the get-go, starting with theory, philosophy, cosmological views, and the like, before moving on to the Plant and Animal medicines. The Plant and Animal medicine sections themselves are extensive, detailed and well written, drawing on the author’s expertise in herbalism and shamanism. Various plants are attributed to a number of different animals, and shamanic wisdom from multiple shamanic traditions around the…

  • Reviews

    Book Review-Bog Witch: A Semi-Mystical Immersion Into Wild Wetland Habitats, Their Myths, Magic, and Meaning by Mab Jones

    Photo Credits: Stock Photo of Bog Witch: A Semi-Mystical Immersion Into Wild Wetlands, Their Myths, Magic and Meaning, courtesy of publisher Bog Witch: A Semi-Mystical Immersion Into Wild Wetland Habitats, Their Myths, Magic, and Meaning by Mab Jones is an 82 page book published by Moon Books, of which I received an E-Book copy. Bog Witch begins with the author’s personal experiences growing up in modern western culture, and its well-known approach to nature as a resource, and in the case of many wetland areas, an eyesore and something to be removed or beautified. Jones then goes into their personal exploration of wetland areas where they live, and then immerses you into the wisdom,…

  • Reviews

    Book Review: Radical Self-Care

    Title: Radical Self-Care: Rituals for Inner Resilience Author: Rebecca Moore Publisher: Leaping Hare Press Date: July 9, 2024 Pages: 144    In “Radical Self-Care,” Rebecca Moore offers forty of her go-to rituals for self-care to counter stress and negativity, avoid burnout, and build a reserve of inner resilience. She shares her own story of burnouts, and offers tips and cautions. Each of the eight chapters addresses a topic. Moore introduces the theme that is followed by five rituals to bring about the desired outcome. Each technique, practice, and exercise has a quote, a short narrative, and clear step-by-step instructions. Simple line drawings and tranquil photographs contribute to an overall feeling…

  • Monthly Columns

    Weyland’s Whey Mabon 2024 Column

    Mabon Sometimes considered a minor sabbat (as opposed to major ones Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain), celebrations can vary widely between Wiccan Trads.  Inspirations have been drawn from the American Thanksgiving and the German Oktoberfest, among others. Mabon can be observed in various ways, but the focus is usually on themes of balance, or the second harvest angle.  I’m big on lists, so I’ll tout a gratitude inventory.  Scribble down whatever you’re thankful for.  Your health, your family, your home.  Tack that list up on the wall where you can eyeball it every day.  And feel free to add to it often! Sources: Learn Religions, the busy pagan, and Wikipedia.…

  • Reviews

    Book Review-Enchanted Tales: Magical Fairy Tales from Around the World, written by Laura Sampson, illustrated by Quang and Lien

    Photo Credits: Stock Photo of Enchanted Tales, courtesy of publisher Enchanted Tales: Magical Fairy Tales from Around the World written by Laura Sampson, and illustrated by Quang and Lien, is a 95 page book, published by Running Press Kids Publishing, of which I received an e-book copy. This is a beautifully illustrated kids’ book, filled with fairy tales, folklore and myths from various regions of the world. If you’ve been looking for a diverse book of kids’ fairy tales, either for them to read themselves, or be read to, this book is worth consideration, especially. for those looking to keep our lore, collectively, as humans, alive and well in the next generations.…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Your Book of Shadows

    Title: “Your Book of Shadows: Make your own magical habit tracker” Author: Gerridwen Greenleaf Publisher: CICO Books Date: April 9, 2024 Pages: 144  The table of contents in “Your Book of Shadows” gives readers a structure for organizing their personal Book of Shadows rather than buying one written by someone else. Author Gerridwen Greenleaf begins with a history of the Book of Shadows that includes a gratitude ritual for the witches who have come before. In the second chapter she guides readers through choosing the right book as well as how to inscribe, adorn and protect this magical tool. Chapter 3 offers directions to make a consecration charm and a…