
Deck Review-The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot: Headless Horseman Edition by Nick Lawyer

Deck Review

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot: Headless Horseman Edition

By Nick Lawyer

Publisher: Red Feather Mind Body Spirit

78 card Tarot deck with a 111 page guidebook, in a beautifully designed hardcover box

Release Date: August 28, 2024

Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot: Headless Horseman Edition stock photo, courtesy of publisher

Let me start this review off by saying that, when the original edition of this deck was released, I was tempted to purchase it, but never did. In retrospect, I find it amusing that I didn’t, because this is a deck based off of one of my favorite pieces of literature, and the edition I’m reviewing dons the Headless Horseman on its’ cover, my favorite feature of this beloved folk tale. Apart from this, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot: Headless Horseman Edition is an easy to read, RWS system and imagery based deck, incorporating period-appropriate characters, themes, dress and the like into the images, retelling the story of Ichabod Crane and The Headless Horseman in a Tarot deck. The meanings of the cards stay accurate, while the imagery evokes a very spooky, American Halloween vibe.

Death from The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow Tarot: Headless Horseman Edition
The High Priestess from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot: Headless Horseman Edition

I’m a lover of horror, folktales, urban legend and myth, as well as Halloween/Samhain and its various lore. This deck is one I’ve found myself using during this Samhain and Halloween season, and it has given me unique perspectives where other decks have missed certain things. One thing I especially appreciated about this beautiful deck is, that despite it being so clearly based on traditional RWS imagery, the cards share unique perspectives apart from the typical RWS while also retaining that simplicity and ease of interpretation. My favorite card? The Death card, showing the headless horseman, which is the card that graces the cover of this deck. My second favorite? The High Priestess, reminiscent in imagery to me, of Hecate, Circe, or any other archetypal sorceress figure. Stunning! 

The Guidebook gives meanings for each card, which are all printed in color in the guidebook. There are even spreads in the guidebook, based off of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow! Due to all of these positives, and no real negatives, I give The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot: Headless Horseman Edition by Nick Lawyer a 5 out of 5. With an easy to read style that gives such wonderful and spooky Halloween vibes, this is the perfect deck to pick up and read for your friends and family during Spooky Season!

Photo Showing Cards from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot: Headless Horseman Edition


Nick Lawyer has been an illustrator since he was young. He’s always been interested in history and folklore, particularly the macabre and obscure. He greatly enjoys Halloween and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. He lives in Eagle Mountain, Utah.



Author Bio:

The Modern Merlin has been a Polytheist and Animist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician, Occultist, Shaman, Seer and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Ancestors and other nature and land spirits and spirits of place. He has experience in the Left and Right Hand Paths, working with both hands as needed. He currently practices Necromancy and Deathwalking, as well as Traditional Witchcraft, Druidry, Hellenism and Ceremonial Magick, incorporating all of them into a cohesive practice, with some shamanic touches. He studies and practices Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination such as Runes, Palmistry and Ogham. He has a personal blog where he shares Astrological, Pagan, and other magickal wisdom for free! He gives readings and other spiritual services on his Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!