Monthly Columns

Weyland’s Whey 2024 “Have a Cool Yule!” Column


A Wiccan Sabbat observed at the Winter Solstice; Yule is the second Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year (Samhain being the first).  It’s a fire festival observing the God’s rebirth and the return of the light. (Newsflash: after the Solstice, days start getting longer again, Pilgrim.  Trust me.)

For Your Deliberation

Sparkle doesn’t believe in idle hands or paws, so Delinquent the dog and I were out at five a.m. this morning for our first Yuletide walk of the day.  I stopped within the warren of pathways in our communal back yard, stunned by the beauty of Sabbat.  Snow was falling silently, turning the ground a speckled white.  All the other homes were still dark, and it was like we were the only ones in the world.  After a quiet prayer of Thanksgiving, we turned around and went back home.

So what does a witch’s house look like in December, anyway?  Well, I’m not sure just how typical our family is (I’m a wytch, Sparkle’s pagan friendly and Delinquent is undecided), but the only difference between our Yule tree and a Christmas one is a big red bow on the top instead of a star, which I’ve seen plenty of non pagan households do too.  We have nearly half a dozen wreaths around our living room, and one on the outside of our front door.  (I mist the real ones twice a day.  Prudence pays.)  Lots of red, from the grinning Santa holding guard at the big window, the zillion poinsettias–watering is a nightmare–to the plaid Celtic collar around Delinquent’s neck and the aforementioned bow on the treetop.  Several stockings are tacked up on the mantle with care–more than three, as several commemorate pets and familiars  who have passed on to the Summerland ahead of us.  I think the board games in the TV cabinet are normal.  Sparkle has her own doubts about how normal yours truly is, but that’s another diatribe….

MUSIC Review

Yuletide Comes–Winter Solstice Chant.  By Flora Ware with Heidi McCurdy.

I’ve reviewed more than a couple of Flora Ware’s beautiful songs this year, and so far I like this one best.  That says a lot!

5 broomsticks.

Have a Cool Yule!


Weyland is a columnist and storyteller for Pagan Pages.  He and his family can be reached at [email protected]