Weyland’s Whey, Grey Strega Interview, Part Three, Conclusion. December 28th, 2024.
Last Father’s Day, my girlfriend Sparkle arranged Tarot card readings for us. And Cyn was great! But don’t take my word for it–see for yourself!
The Frequency of Divinity, Part Three
15: Any theories on how all this works?
I don’t think any of us are here by accident. I believe this world is a spiritual school, and our ability to learn the self through that journey is the experience over the course of a lifetime. The tarot helps us orient on that path: what we have experienced, how far we have come, and what we will encounter along the way.
16: Best outcome of a reading?
When a client leaves a reading with a deeper understanding of themselves and a renewed sense of confidence in proceeding upon their own path, I feel like I have done my job.
17: Is the information you detect during readings imagery like a visualization or like a feeling? Or does it depend?
I receive flashes of insight or feelings as I am reading: sometimes these come as direct messages, or allegorical images that clarify or convey the lessons being experienced by the client.
18: Do you provide any other services?
On top of my standard life path readings, I also offer dream interpretation, past life, and mediumship readings. I also offer mentorship classes.
19: After doing this for as long as you have, do you need the cards to make a valid reading?
The cards act as a focal point: I use them more times as not as validation for what I am already receiving. So I prefer to read with the cards, as they essentially help me “fact-check” as I proceed or help delve deeper into a particular aspect or nuance in what I am receiving.
20: Favorite deck(s)?
I specifically read from the standard Smith-Waite deck system: or what is often called the Rider-Waite system. I encourage this deck to be referred to as the Smith-Waite to give homage to Pamela Coleman Smith, the original illustrator of the cards whose name was erased from association with the deck for far too long.
21: Do you ever use other tools for divination like runes or pendulums? If you do, which is your favorite and are different tools better for different types of questions?
I frequently remind my clients that the tarot is not ideal for yes/no questions: pendulums are better suited for work of this nature. I have also had success channeling messages from spirit through writing.
22: What have I forgotten?
On top of my work reading for clients, I have founded a movement I refer to as “TAROT CHURCH” whose mission is to encourage the utilization of the tarot to uncover universal messages of divine clarity, connection and understanding, enhancing one’s personal relationship to a higher power across any and all interpersonal faith practices.
Look for Cyn’s interview on the Tarot Church, coming soon in Pagan Pages.
Cyn can be reached at https://the greystrega.com