Aether: A Magazine for Families
The Pagan Federation Community Support Team is always working hard to support Pagans and their families, and now there’s a special online magazine packed with stuff for families, kids and young people. The first issue came out around Imbolc and the next issue is due out at the Summer Solstice. The articles in the magazine are helpfully colour coded to show what age range they are recommended for, and it’s in a practical PDF form so you can view it on just about any device. And… it’s free! Articles from the current issue include: How to make your own oracle cards Pagan cooking with Kitchen Witch, Rachel Patterson Community reviews…
Celebrating The Old Ways in New Times
Celebrating The Old Ways in New Times for January 2020 Bright Blessings and Happy January! By the time you read this, I trust all your holiday celebrations are over, and you are trying to remember to write “2020” instead of “2019” on everything! If you are like me, January is a welcome break from the hubub that started late Fall and lasted until New Years! So, let me say again HAPPY JANUARY. One thing I like a break from is listening to people complain about how something or another holiday related offends them. Now don’t get me wrong, we all complain about something or another, and sometimes, we…
Creating Sacred Space The Experience of Sacred Space makes possible the “founding of the world”: where the sacred Manifests itself in space, the real unveils itself, and the world comes into existence … Mircea Eliade … What is Sacred Space? Read and re-read the quote above. Take it into your space of meditation. Analyze, dissect and observe it from all angles, perspectives and meaning. Try to feel the weight and breath of its meaning and allow the words to gently wash over you. Digest it and then simply sit with the feeling of satiety its inner essence provides. And, once you have done these things, redo them, one by one.…