Learning Lunar: Moon Magic and Mystery
First Quarter, The Waxing Half Moon The 2023 Autumn Equinox falls late on the 22nd or early on the 23rd September, depending on exactly where you are in the world. This year, the Equinox begins while the moon is an almost perfect half, the first quarter phase. The Equinox is a time of balanced light and dark, so it feels very mystically charged to have the moon half lit and half in shadow, providing a physical and highly visible representation of this festival. What Does First Quarter Mean? The cycles of the moon are often referred to as quarters, with the second quarter also being the full…
What Are the Magickal Arts? … As magickal practitioners we are all “artists” in our own ways, honing our skills of creating magick, weaving patterns of energy that affect change and calling to the most Divine of our natures as we align with cosmos, greater earth and all of the many Beings that inhabit those realms. And, I like where this trend is taking us in exploring the craft in all of forms…. Spring is awakening and we honor The Magickal Art of Creation and Manifestation! For many of us the turning of the Greater Wheel to the Spring Equinox (aka. Ostara) is one of anticipation…
As Above So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)
Confessions of a Dark Witch The Bourne I decided to write this in response to many different people suggesting to me that I have a hard life because I call myself a “dark” witch, and many of those same individuals also added that, if they did not fully understand, I should clarify to people what I mean exactly. Also, as is obvious, I’ve returned to narrative format, as when talking about deep personal things like your own inner experiences in relationship to you own spiritual beliefs and practices, it should always be made clear that these are opinions and beliefs, not scientific truths. The realm of spirituality…
Tarot Talk
Ten of Wands (The Ten of Wands card is from the artist Ciro Marchetti http://www.ciromarchetti.com/)** Let’s look at the last of the Tens of the Tarot Minor Arcana, the Ten of Wands. If you haven’t already read the articles on the Ten of Cups, the Ten of Swords and the Ten of Pentacles, now might be a good time to check them out. As always, here is a bit of basic foundational information about the Tarot Minor Arcana. A Tarot deck has 78 cards. There are 22 Major Arcana cards, with numbers from 0 to 21; the Majors usually deal with broader and more far-reaching life experience issues,…