Road to Runes
Two Runes Together In the last issue of PaganPagesOrg, we looked at the power of a single rune reading. As I learn the runes myself, slowly it has to be said, I love to look at the different ways the runes can be read together. Just as a single rune can give a fast, intuitive answer to a simple question or circumstance, two runes together could provide either more detail or perhaps two polarized viewpoints on the same situation. Ways to Draw Two Runes There are plenty of different ways to either draw runes yourself or get them drawn and explained by an experienced reader. You can purchase physical…
Learning Lenormand Reviews – Titania’s Fortune Cards: 36 Fortune Cards and How to Interpret Them by Titania Hardie
Learning Lenormand Reviews Titania’s Fortune Cards 36 Fortune Cards and How to Interpret Them by Titania Hardie When I first opened up Titania’s Fortune Cards and got the cards out of their little cardboard container, my first thought was, “How minimalist.” As I flipped through the cards one by one, I didn’t even notice that they were Lenormand Cards until I got to the Clouds card and finally recognized the pattern of the pictures. There are no numbers on these cards and no words. And there are no playing card inserts. There are only pictures. Really bright, colorful, almost surreal pictures. At first, I thought that this would…