Exclusive Q&A With La Carmina about Her New Release “The Little Book of Satanism”
La Carmina is an award-winning alternative culture journalist and TV host. She runs the leading blog about Goth travel, fashion and Satanism (LaCarmina.com/blog), which was featured in The New York Times and Washington Post. La Carmina is the author of four books including Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo and Cute Yummy Time, published by Penguin Random House. She received a journalism prize from the Society of American Travel Writers, and her writing has appeared in Time Magazine, CNN, Business Insider and Architectural Digest. As a TV personality, La Carmina has danced with William Shatner and Henry Winkler on NBC’s Better Late Than Never, dined with Japanese monsters on Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods, negotiated a $666 taxidermy head on Discovery Channel’s Oddities, cooked cute…
Book Review – Little Book of Satanism by La Carmina
Book Review Little Book of Satanism by La Carmina Foreword by Lucian Greaves Publisher: Ulysses Press 143 Pages Published: November 1, 2022 The Devil is in the Details. What comes to mind when you hear the name Satan? Is it dark hidden cults performing horrific sacrifices in hidden groves with giant owl statues? Serial killers mutilating their victims with strange occult symbols? The Satanic Panic of the 80’s with the fear of Heavy Metal Music played backwards, and Dungeons and Dragons indoctrinating children? The Satanic Temple who uses Freedom of Speech to spread their Gospel? That last one is actually true, but the others have been proven to…