Deck Review – Mushroom Medicine Oracle by Nicole Lynn
Deck Review Mushroom Medicine Oracle by Nicole Lynn Published by Facilitating Love On Earth 33 Card Deck & Booklet Set Published 2022 Mushroom Medicine Do you practice self-care? If you’re feeling like you need some help in department of self-care then this amazing deck and booklet will be a much needed tool. As written on the back of box: “This deck is designed for your Intuition and Imagination. There are no set rules or structures you must follow. The cards and their messages will touch upon the places you need to hold loving-awareness within your Divine Self. This deck is an example of how ‘medicine’ includes what we…
Book Review – The Magic of Mushrooms: Fungi in Folklore, Superstition, and Traditional Medicine by Sandra Lawrence
Book Review The Magic of Mushrooms by Sandra Lawrence Publisher: Welbeck Publishing 208 Pages Release Date: August 9, 2022 The world of fungi is a bit of an odd area; even amongst botanists, mushrooms are often viewed and treated with skepticism and concern. Mushrooms can be difficult to identify properly, and there are many members of the fungus kingdom which are dangerous to ingest, to the point of death. In addition to this, many people simply don’t like mushrooms, or don’t like engaging with the damp, wet, weird conditions in which mushrooms flourish. Perhaps it is for these reasons that mycophiles are often seen as being…