Book Review-Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon: Releasing the Past & Embracing the Future by Carmen Turner-Schott and Bernie Ashman
Book Review Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon: Releasing the Past & Embracing the Future By Carmen Turner-Schott and Bernie Ashman Publisher: O-Books 133 Page E-Book Release Date: August 1st, 2024 Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon: Releasing the Past & Embracing the Future by Carmen Turner-Schott and Bernie Ashman takes a more advanced astrological concept and placement, and puts it in laymen’s terms. You don’t need to know everything about astrology to understand the material in this book, as Turner-Schott and Ashman, two well-respected and renowned Astrologers, break down the basics of the signs, houses and planets, before even going into the Lunar nodes, their signs and houses. After the reader gets…
Book Review: Astrolations! by Jill Carr
Overview of Astrolations! Astrolations!: A Unique Astrological Guide For You and All Your Relationships by Jill Carr definitely lives up to its title, as Carr fuses Tropical (Star Sign) Astrology, as well as Sidereal (Astrology that uses more current dates for when the sun is in a sign, thus moving the sign dates forward), and Chinese astrology. The Book opens with a brief, yet thorough explanation of the Star Signs, the sign most of us know, and then also covers the Sidereal sign dates, as well as the Chinese zodiac signs, and gives a list of Chinese sign years starting in 1900, going until 2032, also giving the Chinese element of that sign…