Mindful Souls Subscription Box Review
Mindful Souls I absolutely adore getting subscription boxes, and this one was an impulse buy after seeing the company advertised on Facebook. *Note: This box was not provided free in exchange for review. This review is entirely impartial and the opinion of the author only. Mindful Souls at mindfulsouls.com is a pretty, minimalist website offering crystals, jewellery, and other spiritual wellness products. The one that caught my eye was the Mindful Box, promising “Self-love and self-care” via a monthly subscription of crystals, aromatherapy products, and mindful jewellery. The price was more than I would usually have liked to have paid, but there was a special offer on: Usually £39.99…
Witch & Popcorn
Review of It Lives Inside Bright Blessings Film Lovers! I have news! This review is of a film we watched in a movie theater. We made it FINALLY. We tried all last month to hit Barbie and Oppenheimer, but every time we went, the theaters were swamped. Now, with those huge blockbusters winding down, and school is in session, people are not flooding the theaters like they were. Things have changed at the movies. For one thing, these days, you reserve your seats, which can be a problem if somebody is in your seat, or the people next to you are loud, or goddess forbid, if they smell bad. We…
Witch & Popcorn
Review of Gone With The Wind Bright Blessings Film Lovers! Today I am reviewing a blasphemous film that has been one of my favorites since I was a kid. I will say the glamour, unbelievably great acting, magnificent sets, and the fantastic music make this a masterpiece of Hollywood few other films can rival. However, as an adult, I am aware of some ugly truths it laid bare- unintentionally of course- and how it was a sign of bias against both people of color and women in times bygone. The film had the highest budget that any other had at that time, and if you adjust for inflation, it’s still…
Toxic Spirituality
I try to keep these articles from being super personal. Avoiding using words like I, or speaking from my personal experience. This will be the opposite. This piece will be 100% gonzo. So, I’ll start my saying, I was always a seeker. A lot of people start their path Christian by default of indoctrination. I was different. I sought after the truth, and it was told to me that it was Christ. I spent much of my time in the church. I saw lots of abuse. I saw people ostracized due to their sexual relationships. I saw people mindlessly brainwashed by the platitudes of the church, even if they…
As Above So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)
Christianity: The Great Misunderstanding Now, in the last entries, I’ve aimed a lot of criticism at the Christian faith. Setting aside the purpose of the religion now, and whether or not Jesus was real or divine, let’s examine the lore with a more open mind. Let us assume that Jesus was very real, and his words were truth. Then with that lens, examine Christianity once again from the perspective of the man with whom the religion places it’s namesake. Jesus’ message was very much different from what we find in the Old Testament. Which seemed to be a collection of lore stories centered around sin and blood. The tribulations…
Witch & Popcorn
Review of The 13th Warrior This beautiful film opens in the splendor of the ancient Middle East and we find our hero, Ahmad ibn Fahdlan, cast far away from home for having an affair with a married woman. He is banished for having an affair with a king’s wife to the land of what is called the home of the “barbarians” aka the Norsemen- Odin’s men, pagan Heathens! He and his hosts are told by a holy woman 13 men must go to the aid of Kind Hrothgar- yeah ANOTHER Hollywood take on the epic Beowulf- and the 13th Warrior will be no Northman. As a daughter of Odin,…
Witch & Popcorn
Women and Spirituality: The Goddess Trilogy This is a 166 minute set of three DVD’s written and directed by the illustrious Donna Read. Before I get into the films, I want to introduce Read. I had no idea how influential she was until I read up on her just now. She has been making films for decades, and is a very important part of both the women’s movement, and goddess veneration. Her filmograhpy is listed here: Donna Read I am positively blown away by this woman’s illustrious career and contribution to indigenous and neo Pagan topics as well as women’s issues. The respect I feel for our…
Witch & Popcorn
Rainman Bright Blessings, Film Lovers! For this month’s film, I decided to review one that has been well loved for decades. It is award winning, and was a groundbreaking, intimate look at the lives, and the love of people who have autism. Rainman. Here is a trailer of the film you can watch. The film starts in the fast, trendy, and loud life of Charlie Babbitt, played by Tom Cruise. He’s on the verge of sealing a major sales deal, which would profit him $75K. He’s got an amazing, kind hearted girlfriend named Susanna. He’s young, healthy, good looking, and it seems like everything is going his way. He heads…