• Reviews

    Deck Review – The Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine cards by Maria Sofia Marmanides

    Deck Review The Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine Cards By Maria Sofia Marmanides Publisher: Adams Media 50 cards and 120-page booklet Publication Date: July 4, 2023         “The Women of Myth Oracle Deck” allows users to consult the wisdom of 50 mythic women from mythologies around the world, each with their stories. The artwork, printed on quality stock, portray these women as powerful goddesses, heroines, and monsters. Each has a full-page illustration and paragraphs with what these women are known for, the card’s meaning, and the advice she offers. Preceding the explanation of individual cards, Maria Sofia Marmanides…

  • Reviews

    Deck Review – The Healthy Witch Oracle Cards by TJ Perkins and Jennifer Amazon

    Deck Review The Healthy Witch Oracle Cards Written by TJ Perkins Illustrated by Jennifer Amazon Publisher: REDFeather 33 Cards and an 80-Page Booklet Publication Date: April 11, 2023         This deck of thirty-three oracle cards accompanies “The Healthy Witch: A Workbook for Optimum Health,” written by TJ Perkins and published in 2019. Both are intended to guide readers to become the best witch possible with suggestions for physical, mental, and emotional healing. Given only the cards, this review is about them as a standalone purchase. The presentation of the deck and a small booklet inside a tin is appealing. To use the cards, Perkins writes in the…

  • Reviews

    Deck Review – Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck by Jennifer Sodini and Natalee Miller

    Deck Review The Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck Created by Jennifer Sodini Illustrated by Natalee Miller Published by RP Studio, Hachette Book Group 42 card deck and 129 page guidebook     The serene and beautiful 42-card Amenti Oracle comes in a very sturdy 5 1/4” x 6 1/2” by 2” thick cardboard box with a magnetic closure. The box has a full color matte finish with a card image on the front, deck name on the sides, and seven more card images and a brief description of the deck on the back. The first thing we see after opening the box is the beautiful lid lining with a star…

  • Reviews

    Oracle Deck Review – The Inspirational Visions Oracle by Judy Mastrangelo

    Oracle Deck Review The Inspirational Visions Oracle by Judy Mastrangelo Published by Red Feather Published on September 28, 2020 50 cards, 120 page guidebook     The Inspirational Visions Oracle is an Oracle deck, created by Judy Mastrangelo, artist and illustrator (copyright 2020 by Judy Mastrangelo), and is published by Red Feather Mind Body Spirit, an imprint of Schiffer Publishing, Ltd, 4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19301. The Inspirational Visions Oracle comes in a 6” x 6 1/2” by 1 3/4” inch thick sturdy cardboard magnetic box that looks like a bound book and could easily be stored with other books in a bookcase. The box has a glossy…

  • Reviews

    Oracle Deck Review – The Eternal Seeker Oracle by Pamela Steele

    Oracle Deck Review The Eternal Seeker Oracle by Pamela Steele Publisher: Red Feather 33 Cards 133 Pages Publication Date: March 28, 2021     The Eternal Seeker Oracle is an Oracle deck containing cards based on the prime archetypes associated with the Major Arcana of the Tarot, created by Pamela Steele, Tarot reader, author and artist, and is published by Red Feather Mind Body Spirit, an imprint of Schiffer Publishing, Ltd, 4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19301. This Oracle is meant to be used either independently and on its own, or in combination with Tarot decks, and offers an opportunity to explore the innermost workings of the human psyche.…

  • Divination Articles,  Reviews

    Oracle Deck Review – The Living Legacy Oracle by Angie McCoy Hills

    Oracle Deck Review The Living Legacy Oracle by Angie McCoy Hills     The Living Legacy Oracle, self-published by the creator of the Oracle, Angie McCoy Hills. I name her “creator” rather than “author,” because it is the purchaser of this unique Oracle deck that is the author of their deck. The Living Legacy Oracle is a unique Oracle, inspirational in content and entirely customized by you, the purchaser. The Oracle is created to memorialize the advice, guidance and words of wisdom offered by you, an ancestor, or a loved one, to be gifted to a family member, a loved one, or kept for personal healing. I reviewed a sample…

  • Divination Articles,  Reviews

    Oracle Deck & Guide Book Review – The Hearth Path Oracle Cards: Miraculous Messages of Love by Nadine Gordon-Taylor

    Oracle Deck & Guidebook Review The Heart Path Oracle Cards Miraculous Messages of Love by Nadine Gordon-Taylor Publisher: Bear & Company 53 Card Deck & 121 Page Guidebook Publication Date: 9/22/20     In this beautiful Oracle Deck and Guidebook, Nadine Gordon-Taylor invites you into the visionary world of mystical archetypes. With riveting art that not only speaks to the mind, but the heart and the soul as one. The use of the word miraculous isn’t in anyway an overstatement with this deck. Many of the cards feature animals and other deep symbols and archetypes in impossible juxtapositions. Many of the images are difficult for the mind to accept when…

  • Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book & Oracle Deck Review -The Illustrated Bestiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Inspiring Animals by Maia Toll, Illustrated by Kate O’Hara

    Book & Oracle Deck Review The Illustrated Bestiary Guidance and Rituals from 36 Inspiring Animals The Illustrated Bestiary by Maia Toll Illustrated by Kate O’Hara Storey Publishing 167 Pages       The Illustrated Bestiary is a true gem to add to your collection. Maia Toll presents a gorgeously Illustrated guide to the world of animism, complete with a 36 card accompanying oracle deck invites you to walk the path of your ancestors as you discover the animals spirits who have guided mankind for millennia. This book radiates majesty with beautifully rendered art in the deepest richest hues imaginable. The images instantaneously transport you to the spirit of this animal.…

  • Reviews

    Oracle Deck Review – The Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba

    Oracle Deck Review The Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba     The Everyday Witch Oracle, published by Llewellyn Publications, a Division of Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989, is created by Deborah Blake (who also created the Everyday Witch Tarot), with art by Elisabeth Alba. This is an Oracle deck containing 40 cards with witch and magic-themed images. The Everyday Witch Oracle comes in a sturdy 4 1/4” by 6” box with a matte color finish. The front of the box has a full color card image and the name of the deck; the back of the box has a description of the…