• Monthly Columns

    Allah: The Stolen God of the Phoenicians

    Allah: The Stolen God of the Phoenicians “Allah”, an Arabic name – feared and loved by some, severally misunderstood by many – spoken by the Jews, Christians, and Muslims of the Middle-East. Though mostly affiliated to those of the Abrahamic religion, the actual word “Allah” is a contraction of “al Ilah”, which literally means The God. While the Muslims believe that the word Allah was spoken and written by God himself in Arabic in the Quran (which is why all Muslims, no matter what nationality they are from, tend to use the name Allah in Arabic since they believe that God spoke Arabic thus the actual word God does not…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Pagan Portals: Polytheism: A Platonic Approach by Steven Dillon

    Book Review Polytheism: A Platonic Approach by Steven Dillon Publisher: Moon Book Publication Date: March 22, 2022 144 pages     Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods. When I got this book to review, I was expecting a completely different book than what I got. I am polytheistic so I was quite excited by the title. I thought this sounded like an interesting approach and possibly a book I could give to any of my monotheistic friends so that they could maybe get a better understanding of what polytheism was. Sadly, that was not what I got. Instead of a book easy for anyone to read and understand, this…