• Monthly Columns

    What to Do with Faith Loss

    (art by Lucia Heffernan)   “Everyone has the perfect gift to give the world and if each of us is freed up to give our unique gift, the world will be in total harmony.” -Buckminister Fuller   Someone asked me a question the other day. She wanted to know how I deal with loss of faith (something she’d been struggling with for a while). The Oxford Dictionary of English describes faith as a “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” I’ve been a proud idealist most of my life. And I’ve believed strongly that there is always a solution to every problem. One, incidentally, that would magically align with…

  • Monthly Columns

    Secrets of a Daffodil

      I place my ear gently to the golden trumpet What secrets do you hold? I heard you whispering Just as you called to Persephone Am I distracted by your beauty Waiting for Hades to snatch me away Or am I the kidnapper Of my own destiny? Narcissus whispers sweetly ‘Don’t be so hard on yourself’ And bobs his yellow head In the soft, spring breeze.   *** About the Author: Mabh Savage is a Pagan author, poet and musician, as well as a freelance journalist. She is the author of A Modern Celt: Seeking the Ancestors & Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft: Modern Witchcraft Meets Celtic Ways.

  • Monthly Columns

    Brigid’s Arrival

    (Art Poster Print of Brigid by Anette of Anette PRS Illustrations.)   When she comes She comes in the room Like a gulp of cold air A hurricane to the face A slap so soft and sharp So caring and cold So great and so bold So young yet so old Every atom sings This lady; this goddess; this spirit This sidhe, from beyond the hills She came to see What you had put out for her Sheep’s milk, oats and apples Whiskey, candles and hope. She blasts through the door A draught of delight In spring’s awakening. We hold hands and shake As her powers leaves us quaking. Motherly…

  • Monthly Columns

    Celebrating The Old Ways in New Times

    Celebrating The Old Ways in New Times for January 2020   Bright Blessings and Happy January!   By the time you read this, I trust all your holiday celebrations are over, and you are trying to remember to write “2020” instead of “2019” on everything! If you are like me, January is a welcome break from the hubub that started late Fall and lasted until New Years! So, let me say again HAPPY JANUARY. One thing I like a break from is listening to people complain about how something or another holiday related offends them. Now don’t get me wrong, we all complain about something or another, and sometimes, we…

  • Reviews

    Witch & Popcorn

    Rainman Bright Blessings, Film Lovers! For this month’s film, I decided to review one that has been well loved for decades. It is award winning, and was a groundbreaking, intimate look at the lives, and the love of people who have autism. Rainman. Here is a trailer of the film you can watch. The film starts in the fast, trendy, and loud life of Charlie Babbitt, played by Tom Cruise. He’s on the verge of sealing a major sales deal, which would profit him $75K. He’s got an amazing, kind hearted girlfriend named Susanna. He’s young, healthy, good looking, and it seems like everything is going his way. He heads…