May Day Fire: An Ode to An Mórrígan
Burning in me I feel Beltaine fires Changing the season The reason For moving and trying so hard My tears won’t quench this fire My fear won’t scare it away My howls bring laughter Strong and clear Yet never mocking Stand in the circle Grasp the sword’s blade Heft the rock The whetstone Sharpen it, sharpen it, sharpen it Now make the cuts Forge your path Feel the fire burn Six months from Samhain Either way But now we stand We yearn We burn Then rise anew While Her laughter rings out Kind, clear, and true. *Image: Bonfire on the beach photo by Hans Isaacson on Unsplash **…
Poetry by Angela C Wood
Witch’s Trance counting down from 5 to 1 relax your body and mind reaching down to number 4 seeing 3 so you see more for 2 it takes you to the deep finding love and finding peace I will bring you to this dance fully charged in the Witch’s Trance release your worries and your woes feeling lifted as your light grows charging up to find the truth getting rid of what’s no use enjoying peace and harmony in this place will show your power, strength and ability to nurture the seeds you sow a time for you, your needs are met goals and…
As Above, So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)
Seasons Blessings! Moving into this period of darkness and the first snows begin to fall. I come to this place of contemplation. And as with the last few pieces, I’ll lose my 3rd person textbook voice. This piece will be a bit meta, as, yes, it’s snowing and I just now started this. Lol. And I said “Lol”. And I said that I said. This message is a download, heavy on my heart with these past moons. A lesson that’s been delivered to me through my personal life, and I feel the need to share. Blessed Samhain. What a strange season it has been, closing with a lunar…
Make it so – Poetry of Angela C Wood
Make it so think it so and it will come the dreams that cannot hide believe it will and make it so the pictures you see inside you have the power to create anything you need realize and generate that thought that was the seed become the life dreaming big passing on you sum make it so this is your will think it so, it will become realize your dreams come true the blessed ideas that come from you release the thought as it is done believe the thought it will become *(Photo by Timothy Perry on Unsplash) ** About the Author: Greetings…
I Am – Poetry of Angela C Wood
I AM I am a good eclectic witch and I embrace my natural gifts enhancing life to manifest with open hands, I will get I am a caring natural witch open to my powerful shift accepting in my colourful flow and changing in each step I grow I am a gifted joyful witch deserving my practical myth creating me a future life from within has taken flight with harm to no-one so I will it, it will become with Angela’s majic this spell is done *(Photo by Adrien King on Unsplash) ** About the Author: Greetings it’s nice to be able to introduce…
As Above, So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)
Everything, Everywhere, For all Time A fool thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows he knows nothing. But… what is everything? Well. We don’t know much as a species. Our whole existence is a grab bag of unanswerable questions and paradoxes. Like the Fermi paradox, which is the absence of obvious evidence for alien life, despite the clear logical prediction that they should be there. Religion and science have struggled to understand everything, both as individual pieces and as an all inclusive collective. Throughout all time of collective human history, the closer we get to the answer, the further away it seems to be. Religion, and science,…
Brambling – A Poem for the First Harvest
Brambling Caught red handed, Well, purple really, Juice dripping down Guilty chin. Bucket half full Promising wine, crumbles pies All lies If I don’t stop eating them Along the trail. These jewels are not just mine I share them with Doves, pigeons, blackbirds Lon Dubh shouting As I invade His sacred space. So I leave enough To feed the feathered folk Even knowing this means Imminent purple plopping On the bonnet of my Long suffering vehicle. Dodging nettles Spiky brambles Benevolent thorns They take my juice As I seek theirs. Caught red handed Purple hand gang States the seven-year-old As we fill our…
Words – Poetry
WORDS Before the written word, there was the spoken word. Before the chronicles of history, there were stories. Before tabloids and the messy spawn of scandalous gossip, ballads and epic poems sounded in mouths of bards and minnesingers. Against the blind furies of forgetfulness, arose high cultures of memory. Long before civilized humanity slumped into pulp fiction and sado-masochistic fantasies, myths were weaving threads of truth into archetypes, extending the dimensions of reality. Guiding words of fire’s intensity and eloquence resonate joyously through the alchemic laboratories of time! You who have befriended Tolkien and the Shire, Arthur, Merlin, and voyagers to the Isle of Women, far, far off in the…
As Above, So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)
In the Beginning… The Big Bang itself may be up for debate, but what’s not, is what the universe was made up of in her early moments. In those early moments, the universe was pure energy. According to CERN, The European Organization for Nuclear research, it took the universe (then made of pure energy) about 380,000 years to condense into the first elementary particles, quarks and gluons. Quarks we’re the very first building blocks of matter. The gluons containing the strong nuclear force that holds them together. These atoms were mainly hydrogen and helium, the simplest and most abundant elements in the universe. These atoms formed huge clouds,…
Toxic Spirituality
I try to keep these articles from being super personal. Avoiding using words like I, or speaking from my personal experience. This will be the opposite. This piece will be 100% gonzo. So, I’ll start my saying, I was always a seeker. A lot of people start their path Christian by default of indoctrination. I was different. I sought after the truth, and it was told to me that it was Christ. I spent much of my time in the church. I saw lots of abuse. I saw people ostracized due to their sexual relationships. I saw people mindlessly brainwashed by the platitudes of the church, even if they…