WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Ostara Cards Merry meet. I don’t always manage to get Yule cards out on time, but it occurred to me: why send cards only for the winter holidays? Why not for spring? Here is a suggestion for an Ostara card that can be modified for any of the other sabbats. I bought packets of seeds that were magickal and, hopefully, easy to grow – organic and heirloom when possible. Then I wrote a verse for the inside of the card that can serve as a spell, which you are free to use: “As the wheel turns and we move into the light, May…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches – Knitting with Intention Merry meet. Knitting, crocheting, weaving, sewing – and any other craft or action – can be made magickal with intention. Additions are nice, but optional. My soul sister, Debby Bailey, modified this $3 gnome pattern (This site has some neat crochet gnomes) to knit witches for friends on the path. She also makes them to sell and takes special orders. Each one is made with joy because of her desire to spread it. “I’ve always enjoyed using my hands and my mind/spirit in conjunction: classical piano, massage therapy, knitting. The energy just flows.” These four…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches Book Review – Creating Smudge Sticks: 15 Projects to Recover Negative Energy and Promote Wellness by Peg Couch
Book Review Creating Smudge Sticks 15 Projects to Recover Negative Energy and Promote Wellness by Peg Couch Publisher: Red Feather 128 Pages Publication Date: September 28, 2020 Merry meet. This month, my column is about a book I was given to review called “Creating Smudge Sticks: 15 Projects to Recover Negative Energy and Promote Wellness.” While not pitched directly to pagans, using smoke is a common practice among us for purification and removing negative energy. In this book, Peg Couch presents projects for these as well as such intentions as love, anti-anxiety, stress relief, blessing a house, courage, and good vibrations. Each project calls for…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches – Gratitude Tree
Merry meet. Making a gratitude tree is a timely craft for Mabon or Thanksgiving, and it’s something the whole family can do. Start by finding one branch or several small ones to place in a vase or other container that is weighted with rocks, sand, etc. to keep it from tipping. Cut leaves out of paper in fall colors. On each, write something for which you are thankful. To hang on the branch, punch a hole and tie one end to the leaf and the other to the branch. You can also tape the thread to the leaf. To use real leaves, write on them with a…