Interview With Anujj Elviis & Review of Indian Traditional Wicca
Bright Blessings! When my editor told me I had the chance to interview a fellow Wiccan who is in India, I was so excited! I enjoyed our conversations to make this article happen, and I had the chance to review his pages. His name is Anujj Eliivs and he is in Dehra Dun, India. Originally from New Delhi, and raised Xtian, he’s one of us, active in his community, running a Coven, doing volunteer work, administrating Pagan web pages, and is also a busy professional! Whew! I forgot to ask if he ever sleeps! I will provide links you can view yourself! First, in 2017, Ben Wright did a…
Things to do with the Kids this Spring Equinox
The Spring Equinox is also called the Vernal Equinox and is when day and night are roughly equal. It’s the halfway point between the winter solstice and the summer solstice. After the Spring equinox, the light increases a little every day, although the way up to the longest day of the summer solstice. In the Northern hemisphere, the spring equinox is on Thursday the 19th and Friday the 20th March, depending on location. In the Southern hemisphere, this is the autumnal equinox. The spring equinox for the Southern hemisphere will be on Tuesday 22nd September. The Spring Equinox is a great time to get kids involved with pagan activities,…
Book Review – Pagan Portals: Australian Druidry- Connecting with the Sacred Landscape by Julie Brett
Book ReviewPagan PortalsAustralian DruidryConnecting with the Sacred Landscapeby Julie Brett 129 Pages “For those who learn to listen, the land itself speaks…Modern Druidry in any landscape is a process of finding a personal connection with nature and spirit, and is a tradition that is evolving and changing as we explore…[O]ur only authority is our relationship with the Earth and with nature. That relationship is our guiding principle.”-Julie Brett This book is not just for Australian Druids! It will be interesting to folks practicing earth-based spirituality all over the world. It provides inspiration for how we can work with the land to alter spiritual tools and maps to make them…
Book Review – Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda
Book Review Unholy Alliance A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda 464 Pages Bright Blessings, readers! My editor offered this book, and I JUMPED at it! As a daughter of Odin, I have spent time speaking with plenty of different Heathens who come from a plethora of groups and belief systems, and let me tell you- there is a very strong influence from Nazi Germany even in modern Heathenry. I feel it is extremely important to be aware of this, and know the difference between genuine devotion to the gods, and devotion to being a racist. So, I was over the moon to hear I…
Book Review & Interview with Author – The Holly King and The Oak King: A Pagan Children’s Tale by J.C. Artemisia
Book Review & Interview with Author The Holly King and The Oak King A Pagan Children’s Tale by J.C. Artemisia 43 pages I was lucky to be sent a copy of “The Holly King and The Oak King- A Pagan Children’s Tale” by J.C. Artemisia to review. This is a children’s Pagan book, 43 pages long, and illustrated by Sarah A. Chase. I was so excited to read a Pagans children’s book, as its the first one I’ve had the pleasure of reading! I was also able to ask the Author some questions about her book! This is a beautiful book that tells the tale of the Holly King and…