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      ________________________________________________________________________ Cover art: The Lunar Nomad Oracle: 43 Cards to Unlock Your Creativity and Awaken Your Intuition by Intuitive Reader, Energy Worker, & Author Shaheen Miro and featured in this month’s issue of PaganPagesOrg ________________________________________________________________________   This month Welcomes Summer in and Some really Great Reading in, too! Just look at a sampling of what we’ve got inside for you this month…   An interview with Shaheen Miro, creator of The Lunar Nomad Oracle. His inspirations for his deck and how he feels cards should be read. Plus, our Lynn gives her thoughts on the Deck.     An Exclusive Excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads by…

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    Rune Activism for Fallen Trees

    Rune Activism for Fallen Trees In Germanic regions, it was believed that mankind was created from tree trunks, echoing the perception that people and trees have much in common. In Sweden, some trees were considered ‘wardens’ and could guard a home from bad luck. The warden was usually a very old tree growing on the lot near the home. The family living there had such great respect for the tree that they would often adopt a surname related to the name of the tree. A well-known sacred tree in Norse mythology was Yggdrasil, a giant ash tree that was said to link and shelter the nine worlds that were believed to exist. https://blog.pachamama.org/people-and-trees-intimately-connected-through-the-ages Earlier…

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    Tarot Talk

    Seven of Cups (The Seven of Cups card is from the artist Ciro Marchetti http://www.ciromarchetti.com/) We’ve been talking about the Cups cards for a few months now. Let’s continue and talk about the Seven of Cups this month. The Seven of Cups is a Minor Arcana card, so we know right away that the message offered by this card will most likely be more immediate in nature, or will most likely be connected to more day-to-day issues. We should remember however that every message, no matter how insignificant or mundane on the surface, can also possibly be a symptom of a deeper or wider issue; nothing in the Minor Arcana is…

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    Sacred Place, Sacred Space

    Catal Huyuk (Photo Credit: factsanddetails.com) For those who love archaeology and the discovery of ancient places, Catal Huyuk holds a special place. Widely accepted as the largest, oldest Neolithic village or town ever found, it was home to 3,000 – 8,000 people. Located in southern Anatolia, in Turkey, it was first discovered in 1958. It was not until the archaeologist, James Mellaart, began excavating in 1961, and continuing at least until 1965, that the world began to take notice. Catal Huyuk was lived in 9,400 to 7,700 years ago and only about 5% has been excavated at this time. Restoration of a room (Photo Credit: facts and details.com) The houses…

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    Gael Song

    Tree Magic I wrote about the druid moons and the trees of the druid year in my third article quite a while ago, but this time, I just want to tell the story of my love affair with trees and how powerful they truly are. As I playfully experimented with reading the energy of life forms around me over twenty years ago, I gradually came to understand that all trees have a very specific energy, each tree family with a definite focus of help or healing. For instance, heart shaped leaves indicate that tree helps heal issues of emotion, the heart. Palmate leaves, like maples, help to heal issues of…

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    Book Review: Tarot For Your Self, A Workbook for Personal Transformation (Second Edition) by Mary K. Greer

    Book Review Tarot For Your Self, A Workbook for Personal Transformation (Second Edition) by Mary K. Greer To me, any Tarot book written by Mary K. Greer needs attention, and Tarot for Your Self, 2nd Edition: A Workbook for Personal Transformation is no exception. Tarot For Your Self is published by New Page Books, a division of The Career Press, Inc, Pompton Plains, NJ; it is a 7”by 10” paperback with a glossy color cover and contains 298 pages of nicely-sized typeface printed on white paper. This is not a typical how-to-read-the-Tarot book. Tarot For Your Self does not only present card images, keywords and sample interpretations. Not that there…

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    Book Review- Gifts of the Crysnix by Lisa G. Shore

    Book Review Gifts of the Crysnix Author: Lisa G. Shore 209 pages   (Author Lisa G. Shore courtesy https://lisagshore.com/)   This book brought me back to my younger years when my imagination was at its best. The author’s magical world includes fairies, kings/queens, princes, ogres, underworld creatures, laws of light, crystals, and much more. The story is set in a small town called Galvin Colve. In the woods called Castle Forest lies a majestic Crystal Kingdom that is hidden from human kind. Inside the Crystal Kingdom are advanced beings who have unfastened the truths of the universe. They are crystal fairies who call themselves Crysnix. The Crysnix grant wishes for…

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    Book Excerpt: The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads by Liz Dean “Three Cards Spread: Ask Three Times: Yes or No?”

    The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads by Liz Dean helps you answer your life questions instantly, while showing you how to read your cards and create your own layouts. If you would like a definitive answer to a question, try this spread. In it, you ask your question three times and lay one card each time: in total, the cards yield a yes or no meaning. Three Cards: Ask Three Times: Yes or No? Shuffle the deck while thinking of your question, then spread the cards face down in a fan shape from left to right or right to left, so that the whole deck is before you. Now ask…

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    She Who is All – The Goddess of Ten Thousand Names

    The Goddess Nu Kua (Photo Credit – acutonics.com) Nu Kua is the Creatrix Goddess of Ancient China. When the heavens and earth were separated, there were no human beings. Nu Kua was bored and lonely and so made the first humans out of clay made from mud from the Yellow River. Her breath and Yin became the first women; Her breath and Yang became the first men. The first of these were fashioned, and molded, with her hands. However, as she found how tedious and time-consuming this was, she began to drop a rope into the river’s clay and to allow droplets to form and to fall from the rope.…

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    Summer Solstice/Litha Correspondences

    (Midsummer/Litha Sabbat Holiday Card made by Leanne Peters of artandalittlemagic on Etsy & Allison Joanne of Pandora’s Box in Norwich, CT)     Also known as Alban Hefin, Sun Blessing, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, Whit Sunday, Whitsuntide, Vestalia, Thing-tide, St. John’s Day In addition to the four great festivals of the Pagan Celtic year, there are four lesser holidays as well: the two solstices, and the two equinoxes. In folklore, these are referred to as the four ‘quarter-days’ of the year, and modern Witches call them the four ‘Lesser Sabbats’, or the four ‘Low Holidays’. The Summer Solstice is one of them. Date June 21/22 Purpose Rededication to the Lord and…