Book Review – Reinstate Your Wings by Indi Havana
Book Review
Reinstate Your Wings
by Indi Havana
Publisher: Balboa Press a Division of Hay House
203 pages
Publication Date: 8/1/2019
This is the unfortunate story of Ms. Havana’s journey into the bonds of a narcissistic business partner. Having been warned about this man, she decides to move forward and open a fitness business with him only to learn how cruel and unrelenting he actually is. This leads to many personal struggles as he ramps up his behaviors to the level of stalking her and attempting to ruin her reputation. She finds her way through the difficulty through her own strength and the support of her friends and loved ones. She writes that she has been able to turn this difficult situation into one of great personal growth.
When I began reading this book, I had such excitement to learn how to overcome difficult situations. I wanted very much to hear ways that Ms. Havana overcame her difficulties so that I too may be able to learn new ways to deal with personal struggles. What I personally desired from this book never came to be and I was sorely disappointed. This book is a personal recollection, much like a diary or journal, that recaps the painful events that took place in Ms. Havana’s life while she was dealing with and attempting to break free from her narcissistic business partner. It seems to me that writing this book may have been a very therapeutic process for Ms. Havana; however, it was not an engaging story for the reader. I struggled to keep focus and to sort out details of her plight as her story was repetitive and often of a complaining nature. Although I believe that her business partner was inappropriate in all of his actions; I feel that this book was written to punish him by publicizing every fault and detail that she dealt with. Her business partner was a very deceiving man and anyone having been put in her position would be just as angry. I would have enjoyed this story more if it was written in the fashion of this is what happened and this is what I did to overcome it. I did not enjoy reading every single detail that occurred as it seemed punitive towards her ex-business partner. I would have much preferred that she had spent more time writing about how she became a stronger person for having lived through this difficult experience.
About Indi Havana:
The following is taken from the Reinstate Your Wings Website:
Indi Havana endured a very difficult couple of years involving an abusive partnership with a narcissist. She learns tools along the way to help her get through the ordeal.
Indi is a wife and a mother to three beautiful children and I wanted to share my story to help other people that may be going through hard times in their every day life. “I want to help empower people by believing in the process and in the deepest way possible, because anything is possible.”
Ms. Havana can be found on Facebook at:
Her website is:
Reinstate Your Wings on Amazon
About the Author:
Tammy Andrews is a beginner in the area of all matters related to Wicca and witchcraft. She is interested in many areas of natural spiritual practice including the use of incense and oils, pendulum divination, oracle cards, and crystals. She is Reiki I certified with plans to obtain further Reiki levels. With her love of learning and reading, she is excited to join PaganPagesOrg as a book reviewer. Tammy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker employed in a community agency that provides counseling and case management services to clients who live with serious mental illnesses and addiction issues. The power of human survival and resilience never ceases to amaze her. She views social work as her passion and life calling. Tammy resides in CT with her husband, who is her greatest supporter, her cat and her dogs. She has enjoyed the opportunity to assist in the nurturing of her step-son to become a prospering young adult.
Tammy and her husband spend many Summer weekends at their cabin in VT where she loves the opportunity to renew her spirit in the peace and solitude of the trees. You can contact Tammy via email at [email protected]