“Coven Cloud’ A New Social Media Site for Pagans
Have you ever wished there was a place you could be your full, authentic, magical self online and attract witchy and pagan friends from around the world who vibrate on your level?
Maybe you manifested it.
Because it has arrived!
Enter, Coven Cloud
Who Is Coven Cloud For?
Our team is leading the way toward a safe, inclusive space for all substantiated witches, pagans, spiritualists, druids, or other faith bases. If you have felt rejected, alienated, isolated, or alone in your spiritual quests – we’ve built a home for you.
What is Coven Cloud?
Coven Cloud is social media made for pagans by pagans. First and foremost we are a community of digital covens, and we will always have the community first in mind with everything else we build. Today, you can login, connect with friends, join covens, post statuses, images, videos, music and more! We have event functionality that is in beta testing. We are working on making our digital grimoire a reality, but right now blog posting is “by request” only. We’ve launched an ad integration so we are on the path to monetization. As we continue to bring in more ad revenue, we are excited to build cool new features for the community like a mobile app, PDF uploads, a seller platform, user-led education (eLearning) and more! This is just the beginning!
I’m Megan, the “Chief Conjurer” here at Coven Cloud
For Muggles – That Means I’m The CEO & Founder
Coven Cloud’s story is in many ways my own, and also my destiny. I spent my childhood in a Christian home. I was raised in a community of Christians by parents who felt strongly about their faith. From a young age, I was drawn to the craft. I spent time wandering about the woods with my cousin, finding herbs and rocks, and crafting potions and spells. I “played” witch with my friends in the woods during recess. I had visions. But I didn’t feel like I could tell my parents I was a Witch. Instead, I used words like “agnostic”, “spiritual but not religious”, or “Unitarian”. For a long time (around 30 years) I turned off my gifts. I couldn’t stand to feel what others were feeling all the time, or see things before they happened. It was draining, and I felt like it put me in danger with people who didn’t understand. When my parents died two years ago, less than a year apart, embracing my spirituality was a part of my healing. It started with manifestation and affirmation, which led to energy & shadow work, and eventually led me to witchcraft and paganism. I’ve never loved labels, but I think Witch and Pagan fit best.
I struggled to find reliable educational material about paganism. I felt like I was always digging and searching for things that were “true”. The journey was great, in that I got to pick and choose for myself what I felt was right. But I had no community.
Over This Past Summer When My Family Was On The Cape, I Felt Surrounded By Other Powerful Pagans. I felt supported and uplifted. I had tea and tarot on Saturdays with a great group, I could attend Reiki circles, and lean into others who knew more than me. I even participated in a life-changing (goodbye aplastic anemia. I will not miss you). When I had to return home to Florida, it felt like fracturing myself. I’ve never been able to find the level of community here, especially with like-minded spiritualists. So I created a shared album on my iPhone and it just was NOT enough. I wanted to create a full-on Coven online. But every platform I looked at had major downfalls. Thus, Coven Cloud was born. I knew I had to make it myself. A place to find, create and join “covens” online. A place where I could share my journey and learn from others’ journeys, safely.
Our Foundations
As soon as I aligned with my purpose, things started falling at my feet. I reconnected with an old friend, Molly, who is now my co-founder. She took over the development of the site. I’d already Frankensteined together Peepso and WordPress to create the basics but I knew I needed more help. Molly dove in headfirst and started creating the aesthetic you see today!
If you’re reading this, it’s likely you’re spiritual too. So I hope you’ll understand me when I say, reconnecting with Molly in this way was kismet. We need each one another, and we both need Coven Cloud. I gave her a purposeful project to work on. Something that made her life feel more important than “just existing” and reminded her how powerful, talented and valuable she is. In return, she gave me her unyielding support and cheerleading. You’ve never had a pep talk until you’ve had a Molly pep talk. You’re going to see great things from Molly in the future, I guarantee it. But for now, she’s busy seeking full-time paid employment, juggling her kids, planning a cross country move and of course, building Coven Cloud.
A few weeks after bringing Molly on board, in a group called “Witchy Business,” I posted about Coven Cloud and Lauren messaged me asking to come on board. I can’t articulate how much meeting her has changed my life, and Molly’s. It’s been like finding the missing puzzle pieces of myself. Lauren is much more advanced in their craft and practice than either of us, so we immediately handed her the responsibility of building the spiritual advisory board.
The Spiritual Advisory Board is key to the success of this platform. They are entrusted with the most important piece of our vision, safety & inclusivity. When I first met Lauren, I felt like we had to know each other better. Lauren feels like my twin spirit, somehow interwoven throughout my life despite the fact that we’ve never met in person and have only known each other digitally for almost a year now. She’s the one who encouraged me to reopen my gifts, focus on them and learn to protect myself from the energy that can harm me. She is so integral to me, I now wonder how I ever functioned without her. The spiritual advisory board is still actively seeking members, and you can apply here.
Our team has grown in leaps and bounds, bringing on a video editor, more developers, and building out our core leadership team. But one thing has become increasingly clear, the Coven Cloud team is its own Coven. When we aren’t busting our tails to make Coven Cloud a safe and inclusive space for practitioners, we’re shooting the shit behind the scenes. Talking about life, offering guidance to one another, and educating about our own knowledge bases. The Coven Cloud team has become exactly why I founded Coven Cloud … to find our community. Want to learn more about our team?
I Was A Spiritual Wanderer, And Now I Am Home.
These people. This team. They are my family. I am deeply dedicated to protecting what we have already created and built, to give others this incredible sense of being understood. I feel seen with these people. Truly seen. I don’t have to hide any part of myself from them. We’re mostly neurodiverse, queer folx who unconditionally love each other through all of life’s challenges, and now that we’ve found each other we’re amplifying the witches call. So if you’re out there – I hope you hear us. I hope you’ll come to make yourself at home at Coven Cloud. Pull up a chair, or a bean bag and have a cup of tea with us. Tell us your traumatic origin story and we’ll explain to you all the ways you aren’t really broken, just coming into your power.
Want To Help Us Keep Continuing To Grow?
Make a monthly or one-time donation.
Come find your magic online at covencloud.com. We’re waiting to meet you!