Divination Articles

Tarot with Lady Saoirse

Lughnasadh 2023


Bright Blessings!

If you are reading this column, chances are, you have been to a psychic reader before, or you are looking into going soon. Some people do a regularly scheduled reading with a trusted reader to have good guidance for their decision making on a regular basis, and other people see readers whenever they feel like they should. Some people say the worst time to see a reader is when you are in the middle of a crisis or emotional meltdown, but sometimes, those are the times you need the support of a psychic most.

Regardless of when or why you are seeing a psychic, there comes a time when you have some questions about what is going on in your life and you just don’t know if you can find answers to them on your own. Isn’t it nice to know you can go and see a reader to get help with that? A lot of people ask readers about love, career, and destiny. Any good reader can answer any question you have, but some things are better than others to ask about. Maybe it is not fair to discuss the “best” questions to ask your reader, but the truth is, there are some questions that will give good information to help you move forward in your life. Some of the best things to ask your reader are so simple, they may surprise you.

Are My Worries Valid?

Sometimes, some of us- myself included- work ourselves up so badly, we tell ourselves things are the worst they can be, when in fact things are not the way we think they are at all. Asking somebody who is both psychic and not emotionally attached to the situation will provide some insight we can’t give to ourselves and hearing a levelheaded assessment of the scenario can help us to see what is actually going on instead of what our raw emotions tell us is. Getting perspective on what is going on is just the first step, though.

Once you get that information about whether your worries are valid or not, you will know how to move forward. Let’s assume you are worrying too much, and everything is actually alright. You can breathe easy and move on from the situation. If your worries are valid, and things are as bad as you think they are, however, your reader can help you to see what course of action is the best to take. Your reader can act as a coach after they have validated your feelings and show you the best way forward so you can make the best out of even the worst situations.


How Can I Cope With a Difficult Person?

This one is fun. Some people are just a royal pain in the ass, and they seem like a waste of oxygen. There, I said it. There is no way to sugarcoat that. If you are dealing with somebody who has done so much to make your life a living hell that you would not spit on them if they were on fire, rest assured that the ugly truth is, so have the rest of us. The world is full of great people who make things wonderful wherever they go, and then there are those people who make things better whenever they go. So how do you deal with the annoying piece of crap that calls themselves a human being but more closely resembles a trash heap?

I can’t do the reading about that for you here, but there are two courses of action your psychic could tell you to take. First is the “path of least resistance” and you just don’t deal with the jerk. You step away, disengage, and leave them to rot on their own. There are some people who are literally just annoying, and they don’t really affect you at all except that they bug you. Let it go and stay away from them. That might be easy, but there are times when you can’t step away, and your only choice is to deal with the fucker head on. While you may want to get revenge or bash them to everybody “revealing them for who they are” this won’t help you. Vent to trusted people, of course, and then collaborate with your reader to come up with a plan to deal with said jerk’s bullshit once and for all.


What Things Do I Need to Change?

This one is difficult, because it starts with accepting that you need to change something. It is always easier to decry the injustice of what is going on in your life and feel sorry for yourself. Initially, that’s okay because you have emotions to process, but there is no point stewing in self-pity when you can change things and improve your situation or your entire life. Maybe you haven’t done anything wrong, but new times call for new decisions. You can either stubbornly dig in your heels, refusing to budge, and get left in the past, or you can move forward with reality and make positive change.

It would really be nice if we could do whatever we wanted and choose the outcome, but as magical people, we acknowledge that we have a hand in creating our own reality. We can’t control everything, of course, but there really is a lot we do control. Sometimes our choices are limited and the only thing we control is our reaction, but choosing the correct reaction will make things better for us. So be open to change all your life. Ask your reader what changes you need to make, then sit and think about all they have told you. Be flexible, adapt, change.


How Can I Offset this Disaster?

So, all hell has broken loose, and you are dealing with the fact it’s just awful. Nothing could seem worse, and it just HAD to happen to little old you, didn’t it? It sucks, I know, because I’ve been through disasters too, and the minute it strikes, it flips your world upside down. You might feel like your life is over. Eventually, something takes us all out, and I’m not going to say it won’t, but chances are, whatever disaster has struck is one of many disasters you will weather in this life, and while it’s not true that bad times automatically make us stronger, they don’t necessarily have to destroy us unless we let them.

Relate every last thing that has happened to your reader in this horrible situation, ask them how you can pick up the pieces of your broken life, and counter any bad things that will result from this. If you are lucky, an initial disaster won’t have more disasters that come as a result of it, but sometimes they do. Your job is going to be to take a deep breath, steel your nerves, and tell yourself that you are going to do all you can to keep things from getting worse. Then let your reader tell you what things you can do.


What Does the Future Hold for Me?

This is a great question, and the more open-ended you word it, the more information the universe will provide. Some people want to know what their future is financially, and other people want to know about romance. “Who will I marry?” is a common question. Other people ask about their health, and other people want to know what kinds of things they will be doing. Will they travel? Will they take up new hobbies? How will they change inside as a person? All these things are great questions, but instead of just focusing on one aspect of your life, if you ask your psychic for a general reading for the future, the universe will tell you what it wants you to know.

A way to make it more specific is to ask within a timeframe. Some people do a twelve-card reading with each card telling what a month will bring. Some people do a three to six month reading, and others want to know what will come to pass years ahead. If you have some sort of project like a home sale that is projected to be finalized in four months, asking about the next four months will give good insight. If you are in a college program for four years, asking about that four years is a good way to find out. Wording the question by what a specific period of time will bring will open things up to not only focus on the situation at hand, but all other aspects of your life during that time as well.


There are unlimited questions to ask your psychic reader, and you can ask anything you want. Asking about what is worrying you, dealing with difficult people and difficult situations, what you can change, and what your future holds are just a handful of topics you can ask about. Be specific, but still be open to messages you had not thought to ask about. Wording your questions effectively will help you get the most out of your readings.


Blessed Be!


About the Author:

Saoirse is a practicing witch, and initiated Wiccan of an Eclectic Tradition.

A recovered Catholic, she was raised to believe in heaven and hell, that there is only one god, and only one way to believe. As she approached her late 20’s, little things started to show her this was all wrong. She was most inspired by the saying “God is too big to fit into one religion” and after a heated exchange with the then associate pastor of the last Xtian church she attended, she finally realized she was in no way Xtian, and decided to move on to see where she could find her spiritual home.

Her homecoming to her Path was after many years of being called to The Old Ways and the Goddess, and happened in Phoenix, Arizona. She really did rise from her own ashes!

Upon returning to Ohio, she thought Chaos Magic was the answer, and soon discovered it was actually Wicca. She was blessed with a marvelous mentor, Lord Shadow, and started a Magical Discussion Group at local Metaphysical Shop Fly By Night. The group was later dubbed A Gathering of Paths. For a few years, this group met, discussed, did rituals, fellowship, and volunteering together, and even marched as a Pagan group with members of other groups at the local gay Pride Parade for eight years.

All the while, she continued studying with her mentor, Lord Shadow, and she became a Third Degree High priestess in 2022. She belongs to the Black Dragon Clan.