
Book Review – Consorting with Spirits: Your Guide to Working with Invisible Allies by Jason Miller

Book Review
Consorting with Spirits:
Your Guide to Working with Invisible Allies
by Jason Miller
Published by Weiser Books
240 pages
Publication date: May 1, 2022



I’ve been a student of Jason Miller’s Sorcery of Hekate course over the last few years, and have already read his Protection and Reversal Magic; The Sorcerer’s Secrets; Sex, Sorcery, and Magic; and The Elements of Spellcrafting, so it should come as no surprise that I was pretty excited to receive his latest book, Consorting with Spirits. If you’re familiar with his other work then you’re probably already familiar with some of the content of this book, as much of his written work includes working with spirits, but this one goes far more into depth on this topic than his other books have.

In the introduction, Miller declares that he will focus on three traditions of spirit work in this book: one Christian, one Pagan (Hekatean), and one Luciferian. These three traditions provide a good breadth to the book and give the reader many points of entry into spirit communication, regardless of what type of tradition they’re coming from or interested in. Over the course of the following twelve chapters, he examines different aspects of spirit communication in each of these traditions. Along the way, he offers additional information from other traditions as relevant.

The book details practical and traditional methods of consorting with spirits, including but not limited to: making offerings, discovering spirits, conjuring known spirits, finding familiars, and more. Throughout it all, Miller balances the risks of spirit work with the dangers, illuminating along the way that many spirit communication-related fears are unfounded, and the techniques used may be overkill as a result. He explores what he calls “friendly conjuring,” a method for magicians who want to establish good working relationships with spirits without any need for threats or coercion.

Miller makes it abundantly clear that this shouldn’t be a first magic book (and also suggests, very reasonably, that you read his own Protection and Reversal Magic or be well-versed in some other form of protection magic before you undertake this work), so I wouldn’t recommend this as an introductory book to magic overall. That said, it is a very easy-to-read and friendly introduction to spirit work specifically, and could easily be a first book on this subject for anyone who is curious about this field.

Miller’s books often focus on practical magic and making the arcane accessible, and this book is no exception; if you’ve ever wanted to engage with spirit communication but been too scared or just uncertain of where to start, then this is the book for you. Pick it up and read it thoroughly, then keep it on your shelf for reference as you undertake the work. Consorting with Spirits doesn’t just tell you how to establish communication, but how to maintain a good relationship with almost any spirit.

Jason Miller has devoted thirty years to studying practical magic in its many forms. This is his sixth book. He runs multiple online training courses designed to immerse students in deeper and more comprehensive systems that cannot be taught in books. He has belonged to a few groups, traveled to a few magical places, and been initiated into this and that, none of which are very important. What is important is that he can do magic that actually works and is told he can teach other people how to do that magic in plain language. He hates writing about himself in the third person. He lives in the mountains of Vermont with his wife, two children, cat, and company of spirits. Find out more at


Consorting with Spirits on Amazon


About the author:

Sarah McMenomy is a visionary artist, author, and witch. Pulling inspiration from trance states, dreams, auras, psychedelia, and the natural world, she weaves together themes of nature and the occult in her artwork and writing. She has created art and written for books, magazines, games, and more, as well as producing digital fine art prints and acrylic paintings. 
She is the creator of The Entanglement Tarot, a hex-shaped occult Tarot deck designed for spell-craft. 
She is co-runner of Pagan Pages, for which she also writes articles and book reviews, and she also publishes art on her Portfolio site and other work on her Tumblr.