
Book Review – Crystal Basics: Pocket Encyclopedia by Nicholas Pearson

Book Review

Crystal Basics: Pocket Encyclopedia

by Nicholas Pearson

Publisher: Destiny Books Publishing

278 Pages

Published: March 7, 2023



Everyday Crystals

Have you ever wanted an encyclopedia of crystals you could take everywhere? This amazing little book will fit in a pocket with the size of 4.5”x5.25” or even in the outer pocket of a backpack for easy access in the field. And this little book really does pack a ton of information between it covers. While not going into a ton of depth, it still covers enough to get a basic understanding of what makes a crystal, crystals and energy work; crystal correspondences from type of growth, to type of crystal system (there’s 7 of them), to colors, chakras, elemental energy, and astrological correspondences. We also get lessons in choosing crystals (with a little aside about ethical sourcing of your crystals), storing crystals, cleansing crystals, and charging and programming crystals. Then we go into working with different crystals, looking at working with different shapes, using them everyday, in the Home and Office, using them to help in dream work, meditations, grids and layouts, crystal elixirs, etc.

And then we get to the encyclopedia of crystals for the next 224 pages. While we don’t get any stones that are mixed stones, we do get 450 amazing crystals to look at. Each with a small color photo next to it’s entry, so you can compare pocket stones if you’re trying to identify a crystal. Each entry gives us the chemical formula, hardness, crystal system, formation process, chakra connections, and other correspondences; then we get three paragraphs, the first for physical healing, the second for psychological healing, and the third one for spiritual healing. Some entries have a fourth “Note” if they’re toxic or have some other information needed to work with that crystal. The list of crystals is impressive: agates alone have 18 entries, and there are 8 types of Amethyst.

After all the amazing crystal entries the book finishes up with some Quick-Reference Tables, including chakra correspondences, elemental, planetary, and birthstones; then there’s a Glossary of trade names, artificial gems, and mistaken identities; And a Glossary of metaphysical terms. If you’re interested in learning more there’s a great Bibliography on the last page of the book.

I’ve Got Questions!

How can so much information be crammed into such a tiny book? There’s magick here! Truthfully almost any chapter in this book could have been pulled and expanded into its own book. Does that mean we’re not getting the information? I think we’re getting a lot of information in this book, but it’s definitely a jumping off point and not the end-all be-all of crystals. But it’s an amazing resource of knowledge and is perfect for taking into the field.

Final Thoughts.

This amazing little pocket book is just perfect for taking into the field, but it’s also crammed full of information at the same time. We’re not getting write-ups on blended crystals, but truthfully that study is an entire book in its own right, and we’re only getting to scratch the surface of some subjects. But overall I think this book is wonderful for beginners and more experienced rock-hounds, it’s really a great resource for anyone interested in crystals and working with them. Thank you Nicholas Pearson for bringing the world this wonderful little treasure!


About the Author

Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University while pursuing a degree in music. He worked for several years at the Gillespie Museum, home to one of the largest mineral collections in the southeastern United States. A certified teacher and practitioner of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States. He lives in Orlando, Florida.



Crystal Basics on Amazon




About the Author:

Jonathan Dailey

Jonathan has been reading Tarot for over 33+ years. He has had many teachers, and has experienced many Spiritual Truths. He even had the honor of teaching a Beginner’s Tarot Reading class!

He has swam with Manta Rays, Sea Turtles, and Whales in Hawaii; ran barefoot in the jungle with the Ticos of Costa Rica; danced the Naraya with the Shoshone; Prayed at Buddhist Temples in Thailand, China, and Japan; wandered the green hills of Ireland, studied Acupuncture in China; and has had many more adventures!

Jonathan’s love of the Tarot started when he was in Summer Camp (in New Jersey of all places) and was privileged to take a class with a Magus who taught the group not only the Tarot, but also crystals, Runes, pendulums, energy work, spell casting, Past Life Regressions, and many other “New Age” practices. That class was one of the catalysts for Jonathan’s own Spiritual Awakening to his many past lives, and his Higher Purpose.

Jonathan is an Acupuncturist who has created his own style of acupuncture aided past life regressions using gold needles. Jonathan is a Certified Health Coach. He has lost count of how many readings he’s given, and decks he’s collected, over the last 3 decades. Find more from Jonathan on YouTube.