• Reviews

    Book Review – The Witch’s Yearbook: Spells, Stones, Tools, and Rituals for a Year of Modern Magic by Clare Gogerty

    Book Review The Witch’s Yearbook: Spells, Stones, Tools, and Rituals for a Year of Modern Magic By Clare Gogerty Publisher: David & Charles 128 pages Publication Date: August 10, 2021         Clare Gogerty, a seasoned practitioner of the craft, gives a year’s worth of ideas and wisdom for celebrating the sabbats that makes for a helpful resource for beginners. Chapters begin with an introduction to the festival, a topic of interest (trees for Mabon, the moon at Yule, magical creatures for Ostara), botanical and crystal correspondences, holiday traditions and customs, rituals and spells, and a witchy craft (apple wand, incense, Brigid’s cross). On the Samhain pages, for…

  • Reviews

    Witch & Popcorn

      Review of Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones   Bright Blessings, I watch things while I crochet and quilt, and this week, something wonderful came up on Netflix that I am very excited to share with you. I bet you did not know I sit and craft while I view films and shows, did you? I wonder how many of you out there do the same thing? Well the amazing show I found today is all about what people do in “blue zones” or parts of the world where a large part of the population live long, healthy lives to be 100 years old or even older.…

  • Divination Articles

    Road to Runes

    Road to Runes: Making a Rune Set Runes have been used for divination for many years, and are often incorporated into Norse-inspired magic and spiritual practices. While there are many digital tools for drawing runes, it’s normal to want to have a physical set of your own if you want to use them regularly. That way, you can draw a rune wherever you are, even if you’re in the middle of the woods or high up a mountain—although perhaps don’t go as far as to try and use them while hanging from a tree!     One of the cheapest and most satisfying ways to get your own runes is…

  • Monthly Columns

    Pagan Prompts no. 2 – Journal Prompts for a Witch’s Self Reflection – Shadow Work

    Fun Shadow Work     PROMPT: Describe 5 obsessions you had as a kid. Are you living up to the aesthetic, lessons, or experiences of them? How would child-you feel about the life you’re living now? Let’s go back in time and look at those childhood obsessions. Those fixations. Those dreams you had, both waking and asleep. It may have been a certain amusement park. A movie. A book. A specific outfit or piece of clothing. A certain toy or game. A time of day, a tree in your yard, a family member or friend. For some reason, as kids, there are things that we fixate on and want to…