• Monthly Columns

    Shui Shed

    Welcome to The Shui Shed…. …. a new column for PaganPagesOrg that will explore the basic principles of Feng Shui. This column will share concepts that can be used to bring positive energy and enhance the vibrations within your physical environment. This edition we’ll explore the Min Gua – what it means and how understanding your Min Gua or life pattern can assist you to interact positively within your physical space. Min literally translates to “life” and Gua means “pattern.” Enhanced clarity and focus can be achieved through a deeper understanding of your Min Gua. The practice of Feng Shui tells us that the physical space we occupy, the places…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Full Moon Yearbook by Julie Peters

    Book Review The Full Moon Yearbook: A Year of Ritual and Healing Under the Light of the Full Moon Written by Julie Peters Illustrated by Lauren Spooner Publisher: David & Charles Pages: 144 Rerelease Date: November 28, 2023     The subtitle for this book is A year of ritual and healing under the light of the full moon, which is bound to be attractive to anyone who follows a spiritual path linked to the moon in any way. I love the moon, and writing about the moon, reading about the moon, and even singing about the moon! So, yeah, I’m pretty excited to read any book that comes out…

  • Divination Articles

    Tarot with Lady Saoirse

    For Samhain 2023 Bright Blessings, I write this as we are about to begin another week where the days get over 90 degrees here in Central Ohio. This shit was all supposed to be over with last month, but we got hit with more heat. It could be worse. Hurricane weather hit Florida, and affected the sea island areas nearby, and people have lost homes. Wildfires have raged in Canada, blanketing other countries in dangerous smoke, and Hawaii is grieving the burning of Lahaina. The earth is burning, and I am one of the people who believes human beings are to blame. Some people say that as you get older,…

  • Monthly Columns

    Communing with the Essence

    Gaia’s Creation Story of You —   Lately I’ve been pondering the idea of what I used to believe was a “masculine” God up in the heavens out of my awareness of ordinary and earthly reality. I am now considering God might be deeply feminine or androgynous and the Essence of Earth otherwise known as Gaia. This view of God of course is very much within our scope of awareness and perceived reality as Earthlings and not “out there”, somewhere inconceivable. I realize this is not a new thought and not solely mine, however it feels like a huge epiphany for my embodied perception. If what I was taught to…

  • Monthly Columns

    Turning to the Dark – An exclusive poem for PaganPagesOrg by Mabh Savage

      Turn to the dark, my love, Shield your eyes from the dying sun’s glare Give me your weathered hands, here Thrust them into my darkening hair Stroke my locks, my love, Twine them in your fingers tight Now you may look, open up, Take your first step into the night. Walk with me, my love, Take each faltering step Seeks the stars, the moon, Find where the secrets are kept. Take a breath of this air, so chill, Watch the ghosts in your steaming sigh, Turn again, this way, up the hill, Let us strive toward the sky. Feel the heart of the cooling Earth Feel the thrum of…

  • Monthly Columns

    Notes from The Apothecary

    Notes from the Apothecary: Petunias   Petunias: Both a beautiful garden flower and a star of the RNA-focused scientific community. Way back in the 1990s, scientists tried to create deep purple petunias by inserting the gene associated with this colour. Instead, the flowers just came out white! Further studies into this led to big discoveries concerning RNA interference and gene silencing, for which scientists Andrew Fire and Craig Mello received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. But it all started with the petunias. Petunia is not a single species, but a genus of flowers that contains around 35 distinct species. They’re all in the Solanaceae family, which also includes…

  • Monthly Columns

    The Chrysalis – Poetry

        A time of harvest, And a time of shedding. Of death, and beginning anew.   Dark nights bloom as ravens song. And moon on ravens wings. The chill of the air and the crunch in the leaves.   Crisp apples and the scent of decay. The lingering smoke of spent candles. Coalesces with the smoke of the fires.   Tears, as we honor the memories,  Those who have gone before us. The fetch the water for the next generations.   As I shed my skin, As I crawl into this cocoon. I dissolve.   Knowing my depths. Demons of the deep ocean, And stygian deep.   Grand chaos.…

  • Interviews,  Reviews

    Book Review and Interview – Witchcraft Unchained by Craig Spencer

    Book Review Witchcraft Unchained: Exploring the History and Traditions of British Craft  Written by Craig Spencer Publisher: Crossed Crow Books 243 Pages Release Date: June 22, 2023         Bright Blessings, readers, When I saw this book was available to review, I jumped at it, and before I could say “thank you”, my editor sent it to me. Why did I specifically want to review this book? Because it is rare – rarer than rare. Today, few care about the history of the craft. Most pagans and witches want spell-books instead of learning about the roots of our craft. Some of us witches do want to learn, so…

  • Monthly Columns

    From the minds of Aeor, a Series of Shorts

    The Braleigh Affair   There was a pounding at the door, late in the night. The gatekeeper tried to ignore it at first as it was too late for visitors, and too early for the morning deliveries. That only left one possible cause for such an incessant knocking: trouble. The Magus Institute was greatly appreciated and respected by most, but there were still some who feared magic and wanted to drive them out of town. Therefore, the gatekeeper felt well within his right to let the hoodlums banging on his door freeze in the cold night wind for however long it took them to finally give up and leave. That…

  • Interviews,  Reviews

    Book Review and Interview – The Bones Fall in a Spiral: A Necromantic Primer by Mortellus

    Book Review The Bones Fall in a Spiral: A Necromantic Primer by Mortellus  Publisher: Crossed Crow Books 272 Pages Publication: October 3, 2023     “The purpose of an author is to preserve knowledge… the purpose of any who work with the dead is to preserve the history of humanity in flesh and headstone.” – Mortellus I recently had the privilege of talking with Mortellus, author of the newly released title, The Bones Fall In A Spiral: A Necromantic Primer. I had the pleasure of reading their previously published title, Do I Have to Wear Black: Rituals, Customs & Funerary Etiquette for Modern Pagans and was anticipating another great read.…