Book Review-The Young Witch’s Guide to Living Magically: Potions, Lotions, Rituals and Spells for Kids by Nikki van de Car
Photo Credits: Stock Photo of The Young Witch’s Guide to Living Magically from Publisher
The Young Witch’s Guide to Living Magically: Potions, Lotions, Rituals and Spells for Kids by Nikki van de Car is an easy read at 99 pages, with colorful illustrations and chocked full of recipes, spells and other magical activities that are easy enough for kids, teens and beginning witches to use, published by Hachette Book Group, a division of Running Press Publishing, of which I received an e-book copy. Van de Car covers various types of magick, for the self, for the home, for the family and for friends. The author takes a needed, light-hearted approach to the Craft, and includes many Green Witchcraft type spells and recipes, using common ingredients to achieve the results needed. A perfect introduction to Witchcraft, and easy enough to follow along with, even for those kids whose parents aren’t witchy. Van de Car also breaks down the book into easy to follow sections, covering personal wellness, both within and without, and also covers making the home comfortable, happy and giving spells to allow kids to make their home the escape it should be. The Young Witch’s Guide to Living Magically is a book that’s honestly suitable for all ages.
Personal thoughts on The Young Witch’s Guide to Living Magically
Oh how I wish they had more kid’s and teen witch books years ago when I started down my Pagan path! I personally enjoyed this book; sometimes we need to simplify things. I find at times that my magick can be almost too complicated, and books such as this reel me back in, and make me practice smaller, simpler spells and magicks, and they tend to work better than my elaborate, planned out ones. Not to mention, Green and Kitchen Witchcraft are extremely effective in their results, especially when looking to make small improvements over time, through bewitched meals, foods, etc. That’s the end I like as an adult; the inner child in me was struck with awe, seeing that there’s material out there now suited for kids and teens, that isn’t just about casting spells and collecting crystals, but actually incorporating the magick into your daily life, through mundane activities, through cooking, making lotions and other charms around the home. Spells to repair friendships, family issues and the like can found within the pages of The Young Witch’s Guide to Living Magically. Placing protective trinkets and charms around your home, yoga poses, and more grace the pages of this colorful book, truly capturing the vivid imagination that children so often have. Let that imagination run free, both in your children, and in yourself! The results may surprise you at how effective they are. This is the first of a few kids and teen oriented books I’ll be reviewing, and I’m glad to do so.
I firmly believe that books like this, while maybe not touching on the more philosophical, ethical or more detailed aspects of Witchcraft, is still a great primer to get our kids thinking, practicing, and involved with their families, friends, and themselves through their spirituality. Leave the ethics and philosophy for their late teen and early adult years, and let kids just practice safe, effective and benefic magick. Had I had this book when I was a kid/teenager and looking to learn Witchcraft, I probably would’ve avoided the pitfalls of the darker magicks I was drawn to (although I can’t say for certain, the Scorpio within me still likes that stuff). All in all, I give The Young Witch’s Guide to Living Magically: Potions, Lotions, Rituals and Spells for Kids a 5 on a scale of 1-5. It’s excellent for kids, teens, and even adults. Keeping it simple, fun and practical, weaving magick into our everyday, mundane lives, something I always strive to do, and I think that this book can help countless others get started on that path, both adults and kids.
Nikki van de Car is a blogger, crafter and mother, writing books and blogs on knitting, everyday magic, and has written books on both subjects. She lives with her family in Hawaii.
About the Author:
Hello there! I’m the Modern Merlin, and I’ve been a Polytheist and Animist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Ancestors and other nature and land spirits and spirits of place. I practice Necromancy and Deathwalking, as well as Traditional Witchcraft and Ceremonial Magick. I study and practice Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination. I give readings and spiritual services on my Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!