• Reviews

    Book Review-2025 Witch’s Diary: Northern Hemisphere by Flavia Kate Peters and Barbara Meiklejohn-Free

    Photo Credits: Stock Photo of 2025 Witch’s Diary: Northern Hemisphere 2025 Witch’s Diary: Northern Hemisphere is a beautifully illustrated and designed planner for those looking to walk in harmony with nature, the Craft and honor the Old Ones of the Craft. Published by Rockpool publishing, the 2025 Witch’s Diary features lunar correspondences, color correspondences, tree magicks, and so much more. Broken down into weekly sections, some days have historical facts about the Craft, founders of Wicca and major figures in Witchcraft’s history. Solemn facts, such as Witch burnings and executions are also noted throughout. Seasonal holidays, the Sabbats and little spells, rituals and the like grace the pages of the 2025 Witch’s Diary. This is…