• Monthly Columns

    My Name is Freya – Poetry

    (Freya 2nd Edition created by the artist Samantha Chilton of SJChilton on Etsy and can be purchased from there.)     My name is Freya, Goddess of Love And yet I am no stranger to death Upon the battlefields you will find me Collecting warriors from their untimely death With death comes life – rebirth With day comes night My husband Odur is the symbol of the summer sun But now you and I celebrate the return to darkness The Wheel of Life turns round and round So now before we turn inwards Celebrate all that you have achieved Celebrate all that you are Stand tall with the mighty oak,…

  • Monthly Columns

    Poetry – Healing the Witch Wound

    (artwork: Mistress of the Storm, Hagal created by the artist Dorjan of EarthbornShop can be purchased on etsy.)     Hagal shines brightly  The rune of the witch  The rune of the hag  She rebirths herself again and again  I stand as Hagal  I stand hand in hand with Freyja  I will fly across the night sky  I will gather the souls of the dead  I will gather the souls of the lost ones  I will hold them  I will nurture them  Nourish them  I will stand side by side with all those  Executed, persecuted, ridiculed and jailed  Women, children and men  I will stand by them  I will declare…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Medicine of the Imagination: Dwelling in Possibility: An Impassioned Plea for Fearless Imagination by Imelda Almqvist

    Book Review Medicine of the Imagination Dwelling in Possibility An Impassioned Plea for Fearless Imagination by Imelda Almqvist Moon Books 440 Pages     It was with great delight that I received Imelda’s latest book through the post. I’d been looking forward to this day. It was a day that should have come in a forest in Sweden, in June this year, but, alas, the world had other ideas. In August it was there, waiting for me upon returning from a morning’s swim adventures. It hadn’t fit in the post box at the end of our drive, this being a weightier tomb than Imelda’s previous offerings so our post person…

  • Uncategorized

    Book Review – Sacred Art A Hollow Bone For Spirit: Where Art Meets Shamanism by Imelda Almqvist

    Book Review Sacred art A Hollow Bone For Spirit Where Art Meets Shamanism by Imelda Almqvist As a sacred art student of Imelda’s I was eager to get my hands on this book. Her teachings have had a profound impact upon my journeys within journeys unfolding and unfurling as the art is created. This is a truly inspiring book taking you on a journey of the history of art from rock paintings through to “mo-dern” day art. A journey which shows how art, region, science, alchemy and cosmology were all once interwoven and how unfortunately they became split in our need to break things apart. Your thoughts, ideas, perceptions of…