Monthly Columns

Poetry – Healing the Witch Wound

(artwork: Mistress of the Storm, Hagal created by the artist Dorjan of EarthbornShop can be purchased on etsy.)



Hagal shines brightly 

The rune of the witch 

The rune of the hag 

She rebirths herself again and again 

I stand as Hagal 

I stand hand in hand with Freyja 

I will fly across the night sky 

I will gather the souls of the dead 

I will gather the souls of the lost ones 

I will hold them 

I will nurture them 

Nourish them 

I will stand side by side with all those 

Executed, persecuted, ridiculed and jailed 

Women, children and men 

I will stand by them 

I will declare my love for them 

I will declare the truth for each and every one of them 

We will stand by the fire 

We will stand by the stake 

And not be afraid 

We will walk into the cell 

Knowing that door will no longer close upon us 

Together we will open cell doors 

Unlock all shackles 

Together we will teach the old ways 

It won’t be me alone for they will stand with me 

They will teach me the old ways 

And I will teach you 

We will teach the ways of the plants 

We will teach the ways of the secrets of the stones 

We will teach the magic of the water 

The water is to be embraced 

Not to be feared 

The water will hold us and float us 

Together we will float down the river 

Leaving a trace of truth behind us 

Leaving our knowledge along the way 

Gathering the plants, the rocks 

Talking to the spirits of each and everyone 

Knowing that together we begin to make 

The world safe for the witches 

Together we will stand tall and proud 

With you at my side 

Your hand in mine 

I will stand tall 

And proudly declare 

I am a Water Witch! 


About the Author:

Lyn Hill

I work with Spirit, offering support and encouragement to others on their journey of awakening, bringing spirit-led healing to the whole of their being. Together we will pull on the threads of Seidr (Norse/Northern Traditions) and weave them into a healing tapestry along with techniques from Core Shamanism.