Meet the Gods: Krishna Krishna is a major deity in Hinduism, one of the most popular and widely revered. He is worshipped as the eighth incarnation or avatar of Lord Vishnu and also as the supreme God in his own right. He is the god of love, compassion and tenderness. Hindu mythology portrays him as a prankster, gentle lover, universal supreme being and child-like God. People consider Krishna their leader, hero, protector, philosopher, teacher and friend all in one. He’s influenced Indian life and culture – not only its religion and philosophy, but also its folklore, painting, sculptures, literature, music, dance, poetry, and mysticism. He is…
Beltane Correspondences
(You can purchase Lilacs Coloring Page by Artist Carol Hebling at her shop CTHeblingDesign on etsy.) Also known as: May Day, Bealtaine, Beltane, Bhealtainn, Bealtinne, Festival of Tana (Strega), Giamonios, Rudemass, and Walburga (Teutonic), Cetsamhain (opposite Samhain),Fairy Day,Sacred Thorn Day, Rood Day, Roodmas (the Christian term for Rood Day, Old Beltane, Beltain, Baltane, Walpurgis Night, Floriala (Roman feast of flowers from April 29 to May 1), Walpurgisnacht (Germanic-feast of St. Walpurga), Thrimilce (Anglo-saxon), Bloumaand (Old Dutch) Date: May 1 Animals: Swallow, dove, swan, Cats, lynx, leopard Deities: Flower Goddesses, Divine Couples, Deities of the Hunt, Aphrodite, artemis, Bast, Diana, Faunus, Flora, Maia, Pan, the Horned God, Venus, and all…
Poetry – Healing the Witch Wound
(artwork: Mistress of the Storm, Hagal created by the artist Dorjan of EarthbornShop can be purchased on etsy.) Hagal shines brightly The rune of the witch The rune of the hag She rebirths herself again and again I stand as Hagal I stand hand in hand with Freyja I will fly across the night sky I will gather the souls of the dead I will gather the souls of the lost ones I will hold them I will nurture them Nourish them I will stand side by side with all those Executed, persecuted, ridiculed and jailed Women, children and men I will stand by them I will declare…
Poetry – Bealtaine Beacons
Bealtaine is when we light the fires Not just for our desires The things we want and need Whether in poverty or greed But simply to connect, to communicate To let folks know that they are great That we miss them, that they matter That we can’t wait to have a natter Or share a coffee, or a walk Or sit in silence, no need to talk. The world isn’t open just yet But as Bealtaine passes, can we set Our beacons alight and say We are here We care And so we share Our Bealtaine beacons with those Who feed our fires the most. © Mabh Savage…
Witch & Popcorn
Review of Little Naz X- Montero Bright Blessings, Film Lovers, I’d like to use space in Witch and Popcorn to review a music video this month instead of a film or TV show. It’s done by an enterprising 22-year-old who was raised by a gospel singer, and self-isolated quite a bit on his teen aged years. Time Magazine named him one of the 25 most influential people for his internet presence in 2019 and he was the first openly gay person to win a Country Music Association Award. He’s been nominated for and won Grammys, and was listed as a 30 Under 30 on the Forbes list. While we…
Tarot Deck Review – The Da Vinci Enigma Tarot by Caitlin Matthews
Tarot Deck Reviewed The Da Vinci Enigma Tarot by Caitlin Matthews Publisher: Red Feather Mind, Body, Spirit 144 Pages Publication Date: 12/08/2020 The Da Vinci Enigma Tarot by Caitlin Matthews, published by Red Feather Mind, Body, Spirit, an imprint of Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA, copyright by Caitlin Matthews in 2005. This set is visually rich, luxurious, and filled with the art, sketches, writings and inventions of Leonardo Da Vinci, both within the card images and the accompanying guidebook. The Da Vinci Enigma Tarot comes in a sturdy 7 1/8 inch by 9 5/8 inch gift-style cardboard box with glossy finish yellow background and…
A New (Witch’s Year)! Beltane 2021 This month I have decided to return to the written word instead of the video editions. Beltane deserves the tangible, concrete and visceral treatment, so here we go… The air is warm and sweet. Life is budding all around and May flowers stretch across a field of freshly paint greenery, the faint scent of their perfume on the gentle warm breeze. My heart beats rapidly in anticipation and I look out over sunlight space seeking your face. A stream of electrified energy moves up my spine awakening all of my senses as I feel the heat of your breath at the…
Book Review – Pagan Magic of the Northern Tradition: Customs, Rites and Ceremonies by Nigel Pennick
Book Review Pagan Magic of the Northern Tradition Customs, Rites and Ceremonies by Nigel Pennick Publisher: Destiny Books 352 Pages Publication Date: 5/21/2015 Like many of Nigel Pennick’s books, Pagan Magic of the Northern Traditions, is a scholarly survey of the cultural uses of magic in the everyday world of pre-Christian Northern Europe. It is not a “how-to” book. It’s better than a how-to book; Pennick explores the practices and customs that underlay our understanding of telling time, the powers and associations of the days of the week, the seasons and the year, household magic and protection, colors, planetary magic, and the power of sigils and objects, among…
Light a Fire Under Your Own Ass: The Magic of Motivation – An Excerpt from ‘Witchcraft Therapy’ by Mandi Em
Light a Fire under Your Own Ass: The Magic of Motivation Motivation is a funny thing: It seems like when you need it the most, it’s not there for you to draw from. Many of us struggle with motivation in various areas of life, a problem that, when left unchecked, can suck us down even further into a lazy hole of “I don’t wanna!” There’s also a special relationship between depression and motivation that can leave high hopes feeling like a neglected third wheel. Depression can make even the simplest tasks, like getting out of bed, a monumental challenge. And as the things around you that you should…
Book Review – Prayers for Healing: 365 Blessings, Poems & Meditations from Around the World by Rev. Maggi Oman Shannon
Book Review Prayers for Healing 365 Blessings, Poems & Meditations from Around the World by Rev. Maggi Oman Shannon Publisher: Conari Press 302 Pages Publication Date: 9/15/2020 Prayers for Healing: 365 Blessings, Poems & Meditations from Around the World by Rev. Maggi Oman Shannon brought back so many wonderful memories for me. We have five children (under five) and when they were little ones we started a tradition of celebrating many different cultures and spiritual/religious beliefs. Every weekend was another trip to some part of the world and a special celebration that was happening on those dates. We did this as a way of raising our children in…