Book Review – Cord Magic: Tapping into the Power of String, Yarn, Twists, & Knots by Brandy Williams
Book Review Cord Magic Tapping into the Power of String, Yarn, Twists, & Knots by Brandy Williams Publisher: Llewellyn Publications 304 Pages Publication Date: 5/08/2021 Cords are one of the easiest ways to make magic. Fibers are common, knotting is easy, and together both can be used for nearly every conceivable purpose, making threads the ultimate portable witch’s tool. Cords can be made as standalone talismans or used to add power to other workings. This book contains what seems to be everything you need to know about magic with cords, starting with examples of fibers through history and many different cultures, how they become charmed, and how to…
The Sacred Spoon
Balancing Meals – Throat Chakra Blueberry Lemon Pie The throat chakra controls our ability to express ourselves and live our truth. An unbalanced throat chakra may express itself in an inability to speak one’s mind, even when offered a platform to do so. Also creative issues such as writer’s block, or not having the wherewithal to work on an art project. In family settings this can be witnessed as a child backing away from a club they’re just not feeling into right now or a spouse procrastinating a work project when they’re usually very strict about a timeline. Even something as seemingly small as your child not writing…
Book Review – Full Circle Health: Integrated Health Charting for Women by Lucy H. Pearce
Book Review Full Circle Health Integrated Health Charting for Women by Lucy H. Pearce Publisher: Womancraft Publishing 169 Pages Publication Date: 5/18/2017 I will preface this review by saying that I am a fan of Lucy H. Pearce and Womancraft Publishing. This book is more of a workbook than a “reading” book. As women, we have much to deal with that affects, not only our bodies, but our minds and spirits, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. We live in a world that diminishes us. We take care of everyone before we even think of ourselves, if we do, indeed, ever do take care of ourselves. We do not make…
Book Review – Pagan Portals:Lugh- Meeting the Many Skilled God by Morgan Daimler
Book Review Pagan Portals Lugh Meeting the Many Skilled God by Morgan Daimler Publisher: Moon Books 112 Pages Publication Date: 04/30/2021 I’m always keen to read just about anything Morgan Daimler pens, from their exciting Between the Worlds fiction series to their many detailed and well-sourced books on Irish paganism and fairy lore. This book in particular, though, was high up on my TBR (to be read) list, as I am fascinated with Lugh and have had a back and forth relationship with this complex deity over the years. As Morgan notes in the introduction, there isn’t really a single, solid source out there about Lugh, which seems…
Book Review – Numerology And Your Future: The Predictive Power of Numbers by Dusty Bunker
Book Review Numerology And Your Future The Predictive Power of Numbers by Dusty Bunker Publisher: by Red Feather Mind, Body, Spirit 272 Pages Publication Date: 11/17/2020 When it comes to using divination to figure out one’s life path, especially mapping out the patterns of your life and how to navigate the many twists and turns of your personal journey, there are many choices for the seeker to use – tarot cards, one of the many oracle cards, runes, astrology, a pendulum, bibliomancy, gazing into a crystal ball, I-Ching – there are literally hundreds of methods and everyone has their favorite. But if you want immediate answers, I think…
Summer Solstice/Litha Correspondences
(Litha Witch Poppet-Midsummer May Queen Corn Husk Doll by Jenna Miller can be purchased from OfSmokeandSoil on etsy.) Sunday June 20th Also known As: Midsummer, Midsommer, Summer Solstice, Litha, Alban Hefin, Sun Blessing, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, Whit Sunday, Whitsuntide, Vestalia, Thing-tide, St. John’s Day Purpose Rededication to the Lord and Lady, beginning of the harvest, honoring the Sun God, honoring the pregnant Godddess Dynamics/Meaning Crowning of the Sun God, death of the Oak King, assumption of the Holly King, end the ordeal of the Green Man Tools, Symbols & Decorations The sun, oak, birch & fir branches, sun flowers, lilies, red/maize/yellow or gold flower, love amulets, seashells, summer fruits…
Notes from the Apothecary
Notes from the Apothecary: Lilac Lilac is a flowering shrub in the olive family, Oleaceae, cultivated in many parts of the world including all across Europe and North America. Robust spikes of delicate yet strongly scented flowers come in colours ranging from purples and pinks through to blues and whites. I’ve been writing Notes from the Apothecary for over 6 years now, and some months I struggle to think of a plant that’s magical, seasonal, and of interest to our readers worldwide. I had no such struggle this month, thanks to the wonderful fragrance that stopped me in my tracks as I was out playing with my 3-year-old…
Book Review – Life As Play: Live Compassionately, Intuitively, Spontaneously, and Miracles Will Happen! by Mark J. Johnson
Book Review Life As Play Live Compassionately, Intuitively, Spontaneously, and Miracles Will Happen! by Mark J. Johnson Publisher: Dao Publishing 236 Pages Publication Date: 12/17/2020 With humor and a dash of irreverence, Mark Johnson tells his life story beginning in a small Pennsylvania mining town where he first experienced the great silence deep in the coal mines where his dad worked. This early experience of directly knowing the Great Oneness was the foundation for his lifelong spiritual quest. This also led to being willing and comfortable integrating my shadow at an early age. The tale meanders through various cities and countries, with unexpected twists, crazy circumstances, and startling…
She Who is All – The Goddess & The Divine Female
Yeshe Tsogyal (Image: Wikipedia) Yeshe Tsogyal was born a princess of Tibet in the year 777 C.E. She was born in the same way as the Buddha; a mantra sounded and her mother bore her painlessly. Her clan name was Lady Kharchen but she is known as Yeshe Tsogyal, which means Wisdom Lake Queen, as when she was born, a nearby lake increased in size. They are the waters of enlightenment. She is also called “Mother of the Victorious Ones”, meaning the Buddhas, as well as “Lady of the Lotus-Born”. She is considered the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism. She is the ultimate wisdom needed for enlightenment. (Image:…
Book Review – Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys by Mara Bishop
Book Review Shamanism for Every Day 365 Journeys by Mara Bishop Publisher: Citadel 464 Pages Publication Date 3/20/21 Shamanic practitioner and intuitive consultant Mara Bishop’s Shamanism for Everyday: 365 Journeys is a book of daily meditations which present opportunities to connect with inner wisdom and helping spirits in the midst of our busy lives. The Introduction is titled “Coming Home” and sitting down with this book indeed feels like settling in, calming down and having a break from the intense outward focused activity and distraction we experience in the 21st century. The main content of the book is the 365 daily entries referenced in the title. Each daily…