• Reviews

    Book Review – Moon Spell Magic for Love: Charms, Invocations, Passion Potions, and Rituals for Romance by Cerridwen Greenleaf

    Book Review Moon Spell Magic for Love Charms, Invocations, Passion Potions, and Rituals for Romance by Cerridwen Greenleaf 190 pages     Books about spell casting are abound for those who practice this art. Here we present another book of spells but for the sole purpose of love. A wonderful book to help bring love into your life or to enhance the love you have. This book has much to offer. As the book suggests, there are many love offerings; teas to drink, an ink to bind; oils to anoint. If you are seeking rites of love, this book will provide you with rituals for engagements, hand-fasting, divorce, and baby…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – 10 Minute Magic Spells Simple Spells and Self-Care Practices to Harness Your Inner Power by Skye Alexander

    Book Review 10 Minute Magic Spells Simple Spells and Self-Care Practices to Harness Your Inner Power by Skye Alexander 208 page     Any book by Skye Alexander is an enjoyable read. This is the second book I am reviewing by Ms. Alexander and it proves to be as good as the last book I reviewed (The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells: Your Complete Guide to Attracting Passion, Love, and Romance). This book is great for anyone beginning a journey into magic and spell work. Part One of the book covers the basics of magic, how it works and how to use it so it is successful for you.…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Sister Karol’s Book of Spells, Blessings and Folk Magic by Karol Jackowski

    Book Review Sister Karol’s Book of Spells, Blessings and Folk Magic by Karol Jackowski 255 pages     The idea of a book about spells and folk magic written by a religious sister with a Catholic background is fascinating. Sister Karol’s Book of Spells, Blessings and Folk Magic is a beautiful book that explores the impact of mainstream religion on what Sister Karol refers to as the religion of “none”. The religion of “none” is described as persons who are “living at the heart of what the Dalai Lama sees as a spiritual revolution, a shift in consciousness touching the heart of those who seek to save their soul without…

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    Book Review – The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells Your Complete Guide to Attracting Passion, Love and Romance by Skye Alexander

    Book Review The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells Your Complete Guide to Attracting Passion, Love and Romance by Skye Alexander Published by Adams Media 207 pages Without realizing it, love spells are all around us. The hanging of mistletoe? A pagan love spell. A toast to a life of happiness between a bride and groom? Rooted in magic. According to the author, Skye Alexander “witches cast more love spells than any other kind”. It is in this pursuit that we are provided with this book of 150 spells focused on passion, love and romance. This book is well organized. Different types of spells are divided into chapters. Each spell…

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    Book Review – Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic: The Green Witch’s Guide to Essential Oils for Spellcraft, Ritual & Healing by Amy Blackthorn

    Book ReviewBlackthorn’s Botanical MagicThe Green Witch’s Guide to Essential Oils for Spellcraft, Ritual & Healing by Amy Blackthorn319 Pages The use of essential oils has gained a lot of attention in recent years, it has become easy to purchase bottles of these extraordinary elixirs at local retailers, but do people understand how to properly use these oils? Amy Blackthorn, founder of Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends, provides the reader with a guide to the safe and proper use of essential oils both in everyday use and in magic. Ms. Blackthorn has admirably demonstrated her extensive knowledge of horticulture, herbalism and agriculture in this book. Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic is an encyclopedia of essential…

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    Book Review – Protection Spells: Clear Negative Energy, Banish Unhealthy Influences and Embrace Your Power by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

    Book ReviewProtection SpellsClear Negative Energy, Banish Unhealthy Influences and Embrace Your Power by Arin Murphy-HiscockPublished by Adams Media224 Pages The first thing that catches your eye about this book is the strikingly beautiful cover, but as the saying goes “never judge a book by its cover.” In this case, I can say that the content is as impressive as the cover and you will not be disappointed in reading and owning this book. As a newcomer to the world of spellcrafting, I was pleased about the breakdown and content of the information in this book. The book is divided into three parts: Spellcrafting; Spells and Rituals; and Protective Objects. Part…