• Reviews

    Book Review – Mama, What’s a Witch? by Nico B. Paradis

    Book Review Mama, What’s a Witch? by Nico B. Paradis Illustrated by Naya Kirichenko Publisher: Luminare Press 24 Pages Release Date: June 23, 2021       “Mama, What’s a Witch? Empowers potential witches with the best kinds of Magick: love and belief in oneself.” – Amazon.com I am absolutely thrilled to write this book review. There is so much to love about this book as a mother and a witch. My three children who are elementary and middle school aged love this book as much as I do. It immediately became a family favorite. Our story begins with a child asking “Mama, what’s a witch?” Mama then begins to…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Witch’s Yearbook: Spells, Stones, Tools, and Rituals for a Year of Modern Magic by Clare Gogerty

    Book Review The Witch’s Yearbook: Spells, Stones, Tools, and Rituals for a Year of Modern Magic By Clare Gogerty Publisher: David & Charles 128 pages Publication Date: August 10, 2021         Clare Gogerty, a seasoned practitioner of the craft, gives a year’s worth of ideas and wisdom for celebrating the sabbats that makes for a helpful resource for beginners. Chapters begin with an introduction to the festival, a topic of interest (trees for Mabon, the moon at Yule, magical creatures for Ostara), botanical and crystal correspondences, holiday traditions and customs, rituals and spells, and a witchy craft (apple wand, incense, Brigid’s cross). On the Samhain pages, for…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Introduction to Norse Mythology for Kids: A Fun Collection of the Greatest Heroes, Monsters, and Gods in Norse Myth by Peter Aperlo

    Book Review Introduction to Norse Mythology for Kids: A Fun Collection of the Greatest Heroes, Monsters, and Gods in Norse Myth by Peter Aperlo Publisher: Ulysses Press 256 Pages Release Date: May 11, 2021         Introduction to Norse Mythology for Kids is a great book to begin with an overview of Viking Culture, Norse Myths, Norse Gods, Heroes and Monsters. While this book was written for children, it gives a broad overview of Norse Mythology and culture that would be beneficial to anyone interested in this topic. There is also a chapter dedicated to resources to continue your self education with after this book. Our author begins…