• Reviews

    Music Review – Half Tongue Tribe’s Debut Album ‘All Acts of Joy’!!

    Half Tongue Tribe is the Spell Between Worlds Are you looking for new music? New music with a Witchy edge? Well – here you are. David LeBarron has a great new band called Half Tongue Tribe with an upcoming album ‘All Acts of Joy’ and it’s all about Witchcraft and Wicca and Goddess-love and freedom. For those of us who are older and who remember bands the revered the old gods – whether they were local bands or more regional – Half Tongue Tribe brings back a lot of memories. Half Tongue Tribe – come from Los Angeles, California, and the main writer of the songs is David LeBarron and…

  • Reviews

    The Sober Pagan Reviews – Sober Curious: The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, Limitless Presence, and Deep Concentration Awaiting Us All on the Other Side of Alcohol by Ruby Warrington

    The Sober Pagan Reviews Sober Curious The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, Limitless Presence, and Deep Concentration Awaiting Us All on the Other Side of Alcohol by Ruby Warrington 240 Pages     I can’t remember when I received this book. Maybe six months to a year ago. I haven’t been exactly sober or even remotely “sober curious” this past year so it sat on my shelf with my other recovery books. Once in a while, I’d dust them off – ya know, when I was dusting off all my other books. But I never cracked it once – not until yesterday. I read it cover to cover yesterday. First off…

  • Monthly Columns

    Gael Song

    The Most Important Druid Lesson of All – The Power of the Heart     I recently went to a Sunday service where folks believe that keeping one’s mind controlled and focused on positives like peace and abundance and health can manifest such things into a living reality. Manifestation into form is the magic everyone wants to access and use for their own purposes. And while I do agree that thoughts hold some creative power, what I’ve been taught on my thirty-year druid path isn’t nearly so simple. The closest thing to manifesting anything into physical reality I’ve ever observed was during energy school in 1996, when staff healers did…