WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Air-Dry Clay Merry meet. If you prefer to make tools, charms, altar decorations and gifts, clay could be all you need. In this case, it was block of the air-drying variety. Purchased at a tag sale years ago, one corner of the plastic had split open, drying some of the clay. Placing the block in an airtight container and adding some water restored it. A ziplock plastic bag also works. Air-dry clay is soft and pliable. Kneed it a few times and it’s ready to be rolled, shaped, pressed into molds and sculpted. The clay will begin to dry as soon as exposed to air, so to…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches – Travel Shrine Merry meet. Decades ago, while studying the Kabbala, I made a personal connection to Archangel Raphael. Recently, synchronicity brought him to my attention repeatedly until I got the hint and began calling on him again. We often meet in the same place we once did. Now I realize the old stone cottage on the side of a mountain, deep in the forest is that of a hedge witch – me – and he is helping me to heal myself and others as he watches over my travels. To honor him I wanted to make a small shrine that had a…
Season of Tender Roots: Belonging – An Excerpt from ‘Seasons of Moon and Flame’ by Danielle Dulsky
Season of Tender Roots: Belonging An Excerpt from ‘Seasons of Moon and Flame’ by Danielle Dulsky As a young woman, beloved witch, author, and teacher Danielle Dulsky found refuge, nurturance, and wisdom when visiting her grandmother’s rustic home. Next to the fire of the winter hearth and sitting outside with the wildflowers of spring, her anorexic body was loved and fed, her racing thoughts were slowed, and she received a maternal support she did not have in any other part of her life. These visits with Grandmother Grace were the seeds that eventually grew into Danielle’s deepening exploration into the Sacred Hag archetype and the wisdom that these elder…
Preparing a Moon Alter and a Ritual for Releasing Negative Energy Book Excerpt From ‘The Moon Fix by Theresa Cheung’
Book Excerpt From ‘The Moon Fix by Theresa Cheung’ Preparing a Moon Alter and a Ritual for Releasing Negative Energy Lunar Preparations In The Moon Fix, you will find a series of moon fixes: rituals, spells, recipes and meditations you can perform. Location matters, and getting your moon fix outside, preferably at night, when the moon is in her element, is beneficial. You should always make sure you are in a safe, well-lit area. However, for many reasons being outdoors may not be possible: there are still many ways to align with the moon indoors or during the day. When working indoors, it helps if you have a…
Creating Sacred Space The Experience of Sacred Space makes possible the “founding of the world”: where the sacred Manifests itself in space, the real unveils itself, and the world comes into existence … Mircea Eliade … What is Sacred Space? Read and re-read the quote above. Take it into your space of meditation. Analyze, dissect and observe it from all angles, perspectives and meaning. Try to feel the weight and breath of its meaning and allow the words to gently wash over you. Digest it and then simply sit with the feeling of satiety its inner essence provides. And, once you have done these things, redo them, one by one.…