• Monthly Columns

    Retha’s Crystal Reflections

    How Can My Crystals Support Me Now? I was going to write this months column on something completely different, then I thought….instead of suggesting new crystals to try, maybe sharing some tips on how to work more with the crystal allies you already have would be a better route to take. With the way the world has drastically changed over the last couple months, many are on very limited budgets, and many can’t purchase new tools right now. That’s OKAY. You don’t need any funds for sparkly new crystals (unless you can afford them- and if so, ROCK on!) As long as you have a piece of quartz, you are…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Clearing Spaces: Inspirational Techniques To Clear Your Home by Khi Armand

    Book Review Clearing Spaces Inspirational Techniques To Clear Your Home by Khi Armand 128 Pages   When I first picked up this book my initial reaction was how beautiful and vibrant the cover art is; I did the standard flip through, and the pages are sleek, almost like photo paper (not a fan) but it looked like a quick read. Oh boy was I mistaken. It isn’t a quick read but it’s a GREAT read. There is a total of 8 chapters and 128 pages. The introduction discusses the authors beginnings, talking on folk magic and the authors own Shamanic preferences. The introduction gave a detailed overview of the chapters…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit by Amy Blackthorn

    Book Review Sacred Smoke Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit by Amy Blackthorn 176 Pages     Throughout time people have embraced their sense of smell in new and exciting ways, using delicate flowers, plants and resins to uplift them and open their eyes to the world and the universe.1 Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit is a book that you will return to over and over again for sharing, learning and crafting powerful natural magick. Don’t let the size of the book fool you into thinking that there is not enough material. The best magick is accomplished with the…