Book Review – Find Your Mantra: Inspire and Empower Your Life with 75 Positive Affirmations by Aysel Gunar
Book Review Find Your Mantra Inspire and Empower Your Life with 75 Positive Affirmations by Aysel Gunar 144 Pages The book is a small hardback of 144 pages, the illustrations and colors are beautiful, vibrant, and soothing. The introduction discusses the writer’s bracelet brand which is cool because the whole thing is inspired by the authors son and the drive to be more “in the moment”. Aysel Gunar the author declares the book will be “short, sweet, and to the point.” I agree, the book was definitely short and sweet, but also basic. The book is broken into five sections, peace, love, happiness, strength, and journey. Each chapter showcasing…
Book Review – Homegrown Tea: An Illustrated Guide to Planting, Harvesting, and Blending Teas and Tisanes by Cassie Liversidge
Book Review Homegrown Tea An Illustrated Guide to Planting, Harvesting, and Blending Teas and Tisanes by Cassie Liversidge 288 Pages This book is AMAZING!!!!! The book is filled with Beautiful and bright colored illustrations, and a total of 288 pages broken into parts: leaves, seeds, fruit, and flowers. There is a Brief but thorough introduction in how tea came to be, proper teapot usage, different tea bags and how they were developed. The beginning chapter talks about leaves and has beautiful artwork that goes over how to process tea at home, how to grow tea leaves and it has bright photo examples. The information background directions for planting and…
Book Review – Clearing Spaces: Inspirational Techniques To Clear Your Home by Khi Armand
Book Review Clearing Spaces Inspirational Techniques To Clear Your Home by Khi Armand 128 Pages When I first picked up this book my initial reaction was how beautiful and vibrant the cover art is; I did the standard flip through, and the pages are sleek, almost like photo paper (not a fan) but it looked like a quick read. Oh boy was I mistaken. It isn’t a quick read but it’s a GREAT read. There is a total of 8 chapters and 128 pages. The introduction discusses the authors beginnings, talking on folk magic and the authors own Shamanic preferences. The introduction gave a detailed overview of the chapters…
Book Review – Fairies Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need – An Introduction to The History and Mystery of Their Magical Realm by Ralph Harvey
Book Review Fairies Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need An Introduction to The History and Mystery of Their Magical Realm by Ralph Harvey 144 Pages This 144-page book opens with a beautiful piece of Poetry and then quickly moves into 3 parts. Part one consists of an Introduction to Fairies. The author goes over different versions of the term Faeries and tells a little about where the Fae come from, different classifications as well as different names they may go by depending on culture and region. From the beginning I noticed the photography though only in black and white, is beautiful and can be seen…
Book Review – The Book of Blessings and Rituals: Magical Invocations for Healing, Setting Energy, and Creating Sacred Space by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.
Book Review The Book of Blessings and Rituals: Magical Invocations for Healing, Setting Energy, and Creating Sacred Space by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D. 144 pages This lovely hardback is small but packs a punch, it is colorful, well made, and I loved it!! It’s separated not only by month, but is color coded for a quick flip through. This book is packed with a various assortment of spells, rituals, blessings and prayers. It includes 25 fantastic projects, averaging at 2 a month, that are easy to follow and understand. The introduction is down to Earth, and helpful as well as spiritually neutral allowing the reader to insert their beliefs…